Tohoku Forum for Creativity, Thematic Program
“Evolving and Emerging Redox Biology and Bioenergetics for Medicine and Human Health”

日時: 令和4年11月1日(火)13時00分~16時30分
場所: 仙台&オンライン(ZOOM会議)
参加資格: 会員限定(事前登録制)


13:00 - 14:00 Plenary Lecture
Stuart A Lipton (The Scripps Research Institute, USA)
Hidden networks of redox reactions in the brain: Transnitrosylated proteins underlie synaptic damage in Alzheimer’s disease

14:10 -14:45
Des R Richardson (Griffith University, Australia)
A Nitric Oxide Storage and Transport System That Protects Activated Macrophages from Endogenous Nitric Oxide Cytotoxicity

14:45 - 15:20
Ken Itoh (Hirosaki University, Japan)
Emerging role of GCN1 in the redox- and ribosome-mediated stress response

15:20 - 15:55
Allen Kaasik (University of Tartu, ESTONIA)
Negative feedback system to maintain cell ROS homeostasis: KEAP1/PGAM5 complex as a ROS sensor for inducing mitophagy

15: 55 - 16:30
Satoaki Matoba (Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Japan)
Cardiac metabolism and redox regulation as therapeutic targets of heart failure