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Advanced Therapeutics for Cardiovascular Diseases心臓病態先進治療学講座


  • Professor(concurrent): Hirofumi Tomita
  • Associate professor : Shuji Shibutani


Department of Advanced Therapeutics for Cardiovascular Diseases is an endowed department, established in 2023, with 1 associate professor. We collaborate with staffs in the Department of Cardiology and Nephrology and are involved in the treatment of clinical cardiovascular diseases. We teach medical students an advanced cardiovascular therapy, treat patients, and study mechanism and pathophysiology of cardiovascular diseases.

Current Research Topics

  1. Development of a novel strategy for coronary calcification evaluated by intravascular imaging in patients with ischemic heart disease.
  2. Development of innovative treatment and clinical application for coronary arteriosclerosis based on the pathological condition.
  3. Efficacy for catheter ablation in patients with atrial fibrillation complicated with ischemic heart diseases
