In order to nurture and secure excellent young researchers who can contribute to the community and society, the Hirosaki University has been committed to nurturing young researchers by conducting various support programs for them on a university basis, such as the research fellow system which gives an opportunity to devote to research to young researchers who have graduated the Doctoral Course of the Graduate School and have particularly strong motivation for research, the research fund supporting system for an original research that a young researcher manages by oneself, and the special academic award for rewarding original papers by young researchers.
Under such circumstances, taking advantage of the support by “Improvement of Research Environment for Young Researchers,” the Fund for the Development of Human Resources in Science and Technology in Fiscal 2011, the Hirosaki University has introduced the tenure-track system aimed at increasing the motivation for education and research and further improving the education and research at this university by constructing an environment where young researchers can conduct research independently for acquiring tenure. The Hirosaki University is currently engaged in the development of human resources of tenure-track faculties in the fields of “Neuroscience,” “Transplantation Medicine,” and “Pediatrics” aimed at nurturing young researchers in Biological Sciences, which are one of the top priority research areas in the second midterm target/plan, with the Graduate School of Medicine as the institution introducing tenure track.
- 2013.03.29
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