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  1. Kobayashi A, Ohtaka R, Toki T, Hara J, Muramatsu H, Kanezaki R, Takahashi Y, Sato T, Kamio T, Kudo K, Sasaki S, Yoshida T, Utsugisawa T, Kanno H, Yoshida K, Nannya Y, Takahashi Y, Kojima S, Miyano S, Ogawa S, Terui K, Ito E. Dyserythropoietic anaemia with an intronic GATA1 splicing mutation in patients suspected to have Diamond-Blackfan anaemia. EJHaem. 2022 Jan 10;3(1):163-167. doi:10.1002/jha2.374. PMID:35846220.
  2. Tomizawa D, Tsujimoto SI, Tanaka S, Matsubayashi J, Aoki T, Iwamoto S, Hasegawa D, Nagai K, Nakashima K, Kawaguchi K, Deguchi T, Kiyokawa N, Ohki K, Hiramatsu H, Shiba N, Terui K, Saito AM, Kato M, Taga T, Koshinaga T, Adachi S. A phase III clinical trial evaluating efficacy and safety of minimal residual disease-based risk stratification for children with acute myeloid leukemia, incorporating a randomized study of gemtuzumab ozogamicin in combination with post-induction chemotherapy for non-low-risk patients (JPLSG-AML-20). Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2022 Jul 9;hyac105. doi:10.1093/jjco/ hyac105. PMID:35809896. [Online ahead of print]
  3. Matsumori H, Watanabe K, Tachiwana H, Fujita T, Ito Y, Tokunaga M, Sakata-Sogawa K, Osakada H, Haraguchi T, Awazu A, Ochiai H, Sakata Y, Ochiai K, Toki T, Ito E, Goldberg IG, Tokunaga K, Nakao M, Saitoh N. Ribosomal protein L5 facilitates rDNA-bundled condensate and nucleolar assembly. Life Sci Alliance. 2022 Mar 23;5(7):e202101045. doi:10.26508/lsa.202101045. PMID: 35321919.
  4. Kudo K, Toki T, Kanezaki R, Tanaka T, Kamio T, Sato T, Sasaki S, Imamura M, Imai C, Ando K, Kakuda H, Doi T, Kawaguchi H, Irie M, Sasahara Y, Tamura A, Hasegawa D, Itakura Y, Watanabe K, Sakamoto K, Shioda Y, Kato M, Kudo K, Fukano R, Sato A, Yagasaki H, Kanegane H, Kato I, Umeda K, Adachi S, Kataoka T, Kurose A, Nakazawa A, Terui K, Ito E. BRAF V600E-positive cells as molecular markers of bone marrow disease in pediatric Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Haematologica. 2022 Jul 1;107(7):1719-1725. doi:10.3324/haematol.2021.279857. PMID:35295077.
  5. Kudo K, Kubota Y, Toki T, Kanezaki R, Kobayashi A, Sato T, Kamio T, Sasaki S, Shiba N, Tomizawa D, Adachi S, Yoshida K, Ogawa S, Seki M, Takita J, Ito E, Terui K. Childhood acute myeloid leukemia with 5q deletion and HNRNPH1-MLLT10 fusion: the first case report. Blood Adv. 2022 May 24;6(10):3162-3166. doi:10.1182/bloodadvances.2021006383. PMID:35139176.
  6. Yoshida M, Brown SA, Moriyama T, Nishii R, Tsujimoto SI, Yamada Y, Yoshida K, Shirai R, Osumi T, Utano T, Fukano R, Kudo K, Sakaguchi K, Arakawa Y, Koh K, Sekiguchi M, Sekimizu M, Miyamura T, Ishida H, Inukai T, Tomizawa D, Kiyokawa N, Kato M, Yang JJ. Low NUDT15 expression levels due to biallelic NUDT15 variants and 6-mercaptopurine intolerance. Br J Haematol. 2022 Jul 29. doi:10.1111/bjh.18375. PMID:35905175. [Online ahead of print]
  7. Ogasawara T, Fujii Y, Kakiuchi N, Shiozawa Y, Sakamoto R, Ogawa Y, Ootani K, Ito E, Tanaka T, Watanabe K, Yoshida Y, Kimura N, Shiraishi Y, Chiba K, Tanaka H, Miyano S, Ogawa S. Genetic Analysis of Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma Complicating Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2022 Aug 18;107(9):2545-2555. doi:10.1210/clinem/ dgac362. PMID:35730597.
  8. Yamamoto KS, Utshigisawa T, Ogura H, Aoki T, Kawakami T, Ohga S, Ohara A, Ito E, Yamamoto T, Kanno H. Clinical and genetic diagnosis of thirteen Japanese patients with hereditary spherocytosis. Hum Genome Var. 2022 Jan 12;9(1):1. doi:10.1038/s41439-021-00179-1. PMID:35022413.
  9. 森本 哲,塩田曜子,坂本謙一,工藤 耕,今村俊彦,工藤寿子.ランゲルハンス細胞組織球症における病態解明と治療の展望.臨床血液 2022;63(5),373-382.
  10. 神尾卓哉,照井君典.【血液疾患のすべて】小児の先天性骨髄不全症.日本医師会雑誌 2022;151(特別号(1)):S194-S195.
  11. 小笠原順子,後藤 武,山田大貴,鈴木祐樹,佐藤知彦,橋場英二,廣田和美.高効率持続血液ろ過透析をbridge therapyとして施行し、航空搬送と移植に成功した乳児急性肝不全の1症例.ICUとCCU 2022;46(5):311-315.
  12. Watanabe S, Umetsu H, Hashimoto S, Sato R, Aizawa T, Tsugawa K, Imaizumi T, Tanaka H. Sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase acid-like 3b is essential for Toll-like receptor 3 Signaling in human podocytes. J Membr Biol. 2022 Feb;255(1):117-122. doi:10.1007/s00232-021-00206-w. PMID:34739556.
  13. Karasawa T, Sato R, Imaizumi T, Fujita M, Aizawa T, Tsugawa K, Kawaguchi S, Seya K, Terui K, Tanaka H. Glomerular endothelial expression of type I IFN-stimulated gene, DExD/H-Box Helicase 60 via Toll-like receptor 3 signaling: Possible involvement in the pathogenesis of lupus nephritis. Ren Fail. 2022 Dec;44(1):137-145. doi:10.1080/0886022X.2022.2027249. PMID: 35392757.
  14. Hosoda T, Hashimoto S, Sato R, Fujita M, Aizawa T, Tsugawa K, Tanaka H. Abatacept as an alternative therapy for the treatment of drug-intolerant lupus nephritis: A case of underlying monosomy 1p36 deletion syndrome. Clin Nephrol. 2022 May;97(5):309-310. doi:10.5414/CN110633. PMID: 35142279.
  15. Sato R, Aizawa T, Imaizumi T, Tsugawa K, Kawaguchi S, Seya K, Terui K, Tanaka H. Effects of sera from lupus patients on the glomerular endothelial fibrinolysis system. Pediatr Int. 2022 Jan;64(1):e15099. doi:10.1111/ped.15099. PMID:35522716.
  16. Kurotaki K, Fujita M, Aizawa T, Tsugawa K, Tanaka H. Aseptic meningitis as initial presentation of subclinical Sjögren’s syndrome: Could the cerebrospinal fluid anti-Ro/SSA and anti-La/SSB antibody system be the culprit ?. Mod Rheumatol Case Rep. 2022 Jun 24;6(2):217-219. doi:10.1093/mrcr/ rxac011. PMID:35134231.
  17. 唐沢貴生,橋本 峻,佐藤理子,藤田真司,相澤知美,津川浩二,土岐 力,金崎里香,佐藤知彦,工藤 耕,照井君典,田中 完.長期に渡る繰り返す紫斑と低γグロブリン血症を主症状とした肢端紅痛症.弘前医学 2022;72(1-4):80-83.
  18. 柾谷遥香,山本達也,浅利有紗,伊東竜也,片山耕輔,八木弘子,照井君典.第三脳室底開窓術が著効した、くも膜嚢胞による閉塞性水頭症の一例.弘前医学 2022;72(1-4):76-79.
  19. 伊東竜也,山本達也,髙橋佑果,浅利有紗,八木弘子,相澤知美,渡邉祥二郎,津川浩二,田中 完,照井君典.IgA血管炎罹患中に可逆性脳血管れん縮症候群を合併した小児例 MRI-arterial spin labeling(ASL)灌流像の有用性.脳と発達 2022;54(1):61-65.
  20. 敦賀和志,杉本和彦.腸間膜リンパ節炎と川崎病様症状を呈したYersinia enterocolitica感染症の男子例.小児感染免疫 2022;34(1):3-8.
  21. Tokutake H, Chiba S. A Case Report of Respiratory Syncytial Virus-Infected 8p Inverted Duplication Deletion Syndrome with Low Natural Killer Cell Activity. Tohoku J Exp Med. 2022 Aug 3;257(4):347-352. doi:10.1620/tjem.2022. J052. PMID:35768224.
  22. Takahashi Y, Ishida H, Imamura T, Tamefusa K, Suenobu S, Usami I, Yumura-Yagi K, Hasegawa D, Nishimura S, Suzuki N, Hashii Y, Deguchi T, Moriya-Saito A, Kosaka Y, Kato K, Kobayahi R, Kawasaki H, Hori H, Sato A, Kudoh T, Nakahata T, Oda M, Hara J, Horibe K. JACLS ALL-02 SR protocol reduced-intensity chemotherapy produces excellent outcomes in patients with low-risk childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Int J Hematol. 2022 Jun;115(6):890-897. doi:10.1007/s12185-022-03315-x. PMID:35258855.
  23. 山本洋平,高橋良博,町田佳織,板澤剛絹,千葉友揮,渡部潤子,津川浩二.陽・陰圧体外式人工呼吸器が有効だったインフルエンザA感染に合併した鋳型気管支炎の1例.青森県立中央病院医誌 2022;67(1):7-11.
  24. 杉田 梓,高橋良博,千葉友揮,渡部潤子,金子仁彦,高橋利幸,池田保彦. 抗MOG抗体陽性視神経炎の12歳男児例.青森県立中央病院医誌 2022;67:60-66.
  25. 大瀧 潮,網塚貴介,奥寺さおり.青森県医療的ケア児総合支援事業「多職種コンサルテーションチーム」活動報告.青森県立中央病院医誌 2022;67(1):12-16.
  26. 網塚貴介,大瀧 潮,三上了右,奥寺さおり.【医療的ケア児支援と在宅医療】青森県での小児過疎地域での取り組み.小児外科 2022;54(5):472-475.
  27. Kitazawa J, Nakadate H, Matsubara K, Takahashi Y, Ishiguro A, Inoue E, Sasahara Y, Fujisawa K, Maeda N, Oka T, Ishii E, Imaizumi M, Platelet Committee of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. Favorable prognosis of vaccine associated immune thrombocytopenia in children is correlated with young age at vaccination: Retrospective survey of a nationwide disease registry. Int J Hematol. 2022 Jan;115(1):114-122. doi:10.1007/s12185-021-03230-7. PMID:34626332.
  28. 田中孔明,手代森隆一,瀬川 恵,二本柳朋子,佐藤優子,三上英子,北澤淳一.心筋マーカーBNPとNT-proBNPの動態による使い分けについて.青臨技会誌 2022;46:19-25.
  29. 北澤淳一.【第5章支持療法 小児がん・血液診療の輸血】a.輸血指針と製剤、輸血関連検査.小児血液・腫瘍学 改訂第2版(日本小児血液・がん学会編)p266-268,診断と治療社,東京,2022.
  30. 松野紗貴,相馬香奈,奥瀬 諒,細田龍生,柾谷遥香,長谷川 円,小山石 隼, 湯沢健太郎,弘野浩司,千葉奈歩,市瀬広太.標準投与量で治療を受け軽快した12歳男児体重68kgの川崎病自験例.青森市民病院医誌 2022;25(1):9-13.
  31. 古川 裕,伊藤純子,井上佳也,尾崎貴視,加地はるみ,多田香苗,冨本和彦,中村 豊,仲村和子,前原幸治,日本外来小児科学会診療ガイドライン検討会.小児急性胃腸炎診療ガイドライン2017年版のその後の進展 「プロバイオティクスは有効」に変わりはないか?.外来小児科 2022;25(2):194-196.
  32. 冨本和彦.母乳栄養児における乳児期後期鉄欠乏.外来小児科 2022;25(2):132-142.
  33. 荒井宏治,杉野茂人,大川洋二.2020年度病児保育実績調査.病児保育研究 2022;13:77-85.
  34. Nakao H, Nomura O, Kubota M, Ishiguro A. Long- term impact of overnight shiftwork implementation on pediatric residents' mental wellness: A repeated cross- sectional survey. J Occup Health. 2022 Jan;64(1):e12349. doi: 10.1002/1348-9585.12349. PMID:35906714.
  35. Hashiba K, Nakashima T, Kikuchi M, Kojima S, Hanada H, Mano T, Yamamoto T, Tanaka A, Yamaguchi J, Matsuo K, Nakayama N, Nomura O, Matoba T, Tahara Y, Nonogi H, for the Japan Resuscitation Council (JRC) Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Task Force and the Guideline Editorial Committee on behalf of the Japanese Circulation Society (JCS) Emergency and Critical Care Committee. Prehospital Activation of the Catheterization Laboratory Among Patients With Suspected ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Outside of a Hospital - Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis -. Circ Rep. 2022. doi:10.1253/circrep.CR-22-0034.
  36. Tanaka A, Matsuo K, Kikuchi M, Kojima S, Hanada H, Mano T, Nakashima T, Hashiba K, Yamamoto T, Yamaguchi J, Nakayama N, Nomura O, Matoba T, Tahara Y, Nonogi H, for the Japan Resuscitation Council (JRC) Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Task Force and the Guideline Editorial Committee on behalf of the Japanese Circulation Society (JCS) Emergency and Critical Care Committee. Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Accuracy to Identify ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction on Interpretations of Prehospital Electrocardiograms. Circ Rep. 2022 May 25;4(7):289-297. doi:10.1253/circrep.CR-22-0002. PMID:35860351.
  37. Nakashima T, Hashiba K, Kikuchi M, Yamaguchi J, Kojima S, Hanada H, Mano T, Yamamoto T, Tanaka A, Matsuo K, Nakayama N, Nomura O, Matoba T, Tahara Y, Nonogi H, for the Japan Resuscitation Council (JRC) Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Task Force and the Guideline Editorial Committee on behalf of the Japanese Circulation Society (JCS) Emergency and Critical Care Committee. Impact of Prehospital 12-Lead Electrocardiography and Destination Hospital Notification on Mortality in Patients With Chest Pain - A Systematic Review -. Circ Rep. 2022 Apr 15;4(5):187-193. doi:10.1253/circrep.CR-22-0003. PMID:35600724.
  38. Nakayama N, Yamamoto T, Kikuchi M, Hanada H, Mano T, Nakashima T, Hashiba K, Tanaka A, Matsuo K, Nomura O, Kojima S, Yamaguchi J, Matoba T, Tahara Y, Nonogi H, for the Japan Resuscitation Council (JRC) Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Task Force and the Guideline Editorial Committee on behalf of the Japanese Circulation Society (JCS) Emergency and Critical Care Committee. Prehospital Administration of Aspirin and Nitroglycerin for Patients With Suspected Acute Coronary Syndrome - A Systematic Review -. Circ Rep. 2022. doi:10.1253/circrep.CR-22-0060.
  39. Mori T, Ihara T, Nomura O. Diagnostic accuracy of point-of-care ultrasound for paediatric testicular torsion: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Emerg Med J. 2022 May 6;emermed-2021-212281. doi:10.1136/emermed-2021- 212281. PMID:35523539.
  40. Nomura O, Hashiba K, Kikuchi M, Kojima S, Hanada H, Mano T, Yamamoto T, Nakashima T, Tanaka A, Nakayama N, Yamaguchi J, Matsuo K, Matoba T, Tahara Y, Nonogi H, for the Japan Resuscitation Council (JRC) Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Task Force and the Guideline Editorial Committee on behalf of the Japanese Circulation Society (JCS) Emergency and Critical Care Committee. Performance of the 0-Hour/1-Hour Algorithm for Diagnosing Myocardial Infarction in Patients With Chest Pain in the Emergency Department - A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis -. Circ Rep. 2022 Apr 20;4(6):241-247. doi:10.1253/circrep.CR-22-0001. PMID: 35774074.
  41. Azuma M, Nomura O, Sakuma T, Soma Y. Complex motivations of Japanese medical students to an online medical English course during the COVID-19 pandemic. MedEdPublish. 2022;12:25.
  42. Machino H, Irie J, Hiraki K, Ukaji Y, Sawaya S, Nomura O, Hanada H. Japanese medical students’ awareness of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Acute Med Surg. 2022 Mar 24;9(1):e745. doi: 10.1002/ams2.745. PMID:35356484.
  43. Yamaguchi J, Matoba T, Kikuchi M, Minami Y, Kojima S, Hanada H, Mano T, Nakashima T, Hashiba K, Yamamoto T, Tanaka A, Matsuo K, Nakayama N, Nomura O, Tahara Y, Nonogi H, for the Japan Resuscitation Council (JRC) Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Task Force and the Guideline Editorial Committee on Behalf of the Japanese Circulation Society (JCS) Emergency and Critical Care Committee. Effects of Door-In to Door-Out Time on Mortality Among ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients Transferred for Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention - Systematic Review and Meta - Analysis -. Circ Rep. 2022 Feb 25;4(3):109-115. doi:10.1253/circrep.CR-21-0160. PMID:35342837.
  44. Nomura O, Michihata N, Kaneko K, Yoshikawa T, Ishiguro A, Japan Pediatric Society Steering Committee for Board Examinations. Research Publication Experience as a Requirement for Board Examination Acceptance to Promote Scholarly Activities of Pediatric Residents. JMA J. 2022 Jan 17;5(1):93-98. doi:10.31662/jmaj.2021-0149. PMID:35224266.
  45. Mori T, Nomura O, Takei H, Fukuhara S, Ichihashi K. Implementation and assessment of a pediatric point of care ultrasound training course in Japan: a pilot study. J Med Ultrason (2001). 2022 Jan;49(1):85-93. doi:10.1007/s10396-021-01155-6. PMID:34677709.
  46. Mori T, Ihara T, Nomura O. Avulsion Fracture of the Anterior Superior Iliac Spine in a Young Athlete Detected by Point-Of-Care Ultrasound. POCUS Journal. 2022;7(1):140-143. doi: 10.24908/pocus.v7i1.15096.
  47. Goto T, Yaguchi S, Ogasawara J, Kato N, Irie J, Ichikawa H, Nishiya Y, Ishizawa Y, Nomura O, Hanada H. Early Initiation of Venovenous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients. J Extra Corpor Technol. 2022;54:79-82.
  48. 石黒 精,森麻希子,宮川義隆,今泉益栄,小林尚明,笹原洋二,内山 徹,野村 理,堀内清華,高橋幸博,東川正宗,日本小児血液・がん学会血小板委員会.日本小児血液・がん学会 2022年小児免疫性血小板減少症診療ガイドライン.日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌 2022;59(1):50-57.


  1. Koyamaishi S, Kamio T, Kobayashi A, Sato T, Kudo K, Sasaki S, Kanezaki R, Hasegawa D, Muramatsu H, Takahashi Y, Sasahara Y, Hiramatsu H, Kakuda H, Tanaka M, Ishimura M, Nishi M, Ishiguro A, Yabe H, Sarashina T, Yamamoto M, Yuza Y, Hyakuna N, Yoshida K, Kanno H, Ohga S, Ohara A, Kojima S, Miyano S, Ogawa S, Toki T, Terui K, Ito E. Correction: Reduced-intensity conditioning is effective for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in young pediatric patients with Diamond-Blackfan anemia. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2021 May;56(5):1218-1219. doi:10.1038/s41409-020-01076-x. Erratum for: Bone Marrow Transplant. 2021 May;56(5):1013-1020. PMID:33057144.
  2. Karasawa T, Kudo K, Tanita K, Takahashi Y, Kanegane H, Terui K. Epstein-Barr Virus-Negative Granulomatous Disease Due to SAP Deficiency. J Clin Immunol. 2021;41(6):1372-1375. doi:10.1007/s10875-021-01032-4.
  3. Takahashi Y, Kudo K, Ogawa K, Sato T, Kamio T, Sasaki S, Kobayashi A, Ito T, Yamamoto T, Asano K, Ohkuma H, Kurose A, Ito E, Terui K. Isolated Bone Recurrence of Medulloblastoma With MYCN Amplification and TP53 Loss: A Case Report. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2021 Jun 16. doi:10.1097/MPH. 0000000000002234. PMID:34133388.
  4. Yamato G, Deguchi T, Terui K, Toki T, Watanabe T, Imaizumi T, Hama A, Iwamoto S, Hasegawa D, Ueda T, Yokosuka T, Tanaka S, Yanagisawa R, Koh K, Saito AM, Horibe K, Hayashi Y, Adachi S, Mizutani S, Taga T, Ito E, Watanabe K, Muramatsu H. Predictive factors for the development of leukemia in patients with transient abnormal myelopoiesis and Down syndrome. Leukemia. 2021 May;35(5):1480-1484. doi:10.1038/s41375-021-01171-y. PMID:33654203.
  5. Kudo K, Sato T, Takahashi Y, Yuzawa K, Kobayashi A, Kamio T, Sasaki S, Shimada J, Otani K, Tusjimoto S, Kato M, Toki T, Terui K, Ito E. Association of Multiple Gene Polymorphisms Including Homozygous NUDT15 R139C With Thiopurine Intolerance During the Treatment of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2021 Mar 31. doi: 10.1097/MPH.0000000000002085. PMID:33625081. [Epub ahead of print]
  6. Taga T, Tanaka S, Hasegawa D, Terui K, Toki T, Iwamoto S, Hiramatsu H, Miyamura T, Hashii Y, Moritake H, Nakayama H, Takahashi H, Shimada A, Taki T, Ito E, Hama A, Ito M, Koh K, Hasegawa D, Saito AM, Adachi S, Tomizawa D. Post-induction MRD by FCM and GATA1-PCR are significant prognostic factors for myeloid leukemia of Down syndrome. Leukemia. 2021 Sep;35(9):2508-2516. doi:10.1038/s41375-021-01157-w. PMID: 33589754.
  7. Tanaka Y, Yeoh AEJ, Moriyama T, Li CK, Kudo K, Arakawa Y, Buaboonnam J, Zhang H, Liu HC, Ariffin H, Chen Z, Kham SKY, Nishii R, Hasegawa D, Fujimura J, Keino D, Kondoh K, Sato A, Ueda T, Yamamoto M, Taneyama Y, Hino M, Takagi M, Ohara A, Ito E, Koh K, Hori H, Manabe A, Yang JJ, Kato M. An international retrospective study for tolerability of 6-mercaptopurine on NUDT15 bi-allelic variants in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Haematologica. 2021 Jul 1;106(7):2026-2029. doi:10.3324/haematol.2020.266320. PMID: 33504140.
  8. Mu A, Hira A, Niwa A, Osawa M, Yoshida K, Mori M, Okamoto Y, Inoue K, Kondo K, Kanemaki MT, Matsuda T, Ito E, Kojima S, Nakahata T, Ogawa S, Tanaka K, Matsuo K, Saito MK, Takata M. Analysis of disease model iPSCs derived from patients with a novel Fanconi anemia-like IBMFS ADH5/ALDH2 deficiency. Blood. 2021 Apr 15;137(15):2021-2032. doi:10.1182/blood.2020009111. PMID: 33512438.
  9. Ozono S, Yano S, Oishi S, Mitsuo M, Nakagawa S, Toki T, Terui K, Ito E. A Case of Congenital Leukemia With MYB-GATA1 Fusion Gene in a Female Patient. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2021 Mar 3. doi: 10.1097/MPH.0000000000002119. PMID: 33661169. [Epub ahead of print]
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  23. Sugita A, Hashimoto S, Sato R, Fujita M, Watanabe S, Aizawa T, Tsugawa K, Tanaka H. Takayasu’s arteritis in a girl with steroid-dependent nephrotic syndrome: Could rituximab be the culprit? NephrologyCarlton). 2021;26(8):693-694. doi:10.1111/nep.13870.
  24. Miyamoto S, Kato M, Hiraide T, Shiohama T, Goto T, Hojo A, Ebata A, Suzuki M, Kobayashi K, Chong PF, Kira R, Matsushita HB, Ikeda H, Hoshino K, Matsufuji M, Moriyama N, Furuyama M, Yamamoto T, Nakashima M, Saitsu H. Comprehensive genetic analysis confers high diagnostic yield in 16 Japanese patients with corpus callosum anomalies. J Hum Genet. 2021 May 6. doi: 10.1038/s10038-021-00932-y. [Online ahead of print]
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  43. Nomura O, Fukuda S, Ota E, Ono H, Ishiguro A, Kobayashi T. Monoclonal antibody and anti-cytokine biologics for Kawasaki disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2021 Aug 2;51(5):1045-1056. doi: 10.1016/j.semarthrit.2021.07.020.
  44. Mori T, Takei H, Ihara T, Hagiwara Y, Nomura O. Ultrasound-guided nasogastric tube placement in a pediatric emergency department. J Clin Ultrasound. 2021;49(2):106-109. doi:10.1002/jcu.22958.
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  47. Nomura O, Wiseman J, Sunohara M, Akatsu H, Lajoie SP. Japanese medical learners’ achievement emotions: Accounting for culture in translating Western medical educational theories and instruments into an asian context. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract. 2021 Oct;26(4):1255-1276. doi:10.1007/ s10459-021-10048-9.
  48. Mori T, Ihara T, Nomura O. Detection of a Urethral Foreign Body in a Pediatric Patient: Another Useful Application of Point-of-Care Ultrasound. J Emerg Med. 2021 Jun 2;S0736-4679(21)00303-6. doi:10.1016/ j.jemermed.2021.03.020. [Online ahead of print]
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  68. 高橋良博,田中龍彦,町田佳織,千葉友揮,渡部潤子,村上千恵子,馬場正之,池田保彦.インフルエンザB感染後に発症し抗Gal-C IgM抗体が陽性だった多巣性脱髄性感覚運動型ニューロパチー(MADSAM)の11歳女児例.青森県立中央病院医誌 2021;66(1):21-27.
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  79. Nomura O, Itoh T, Mori T, Ihara T, Tsuji S, Inoue N and Carrière B. Creating Clinical Reasoning Assessment Tools in Different Languages: Adaptation of the Pediatric Emergency Medicine Script Concordance Test to Japanese. Front Med (Lausanne). 2021 Dec 7;8:765489. doi:10.3389/fmed.2021.765489. PMID:34950681.
  80. Nomura O, Ihara T, Morikawa Y, Sakakibara H, Inoue N. Predictor of Early Administration of Antibiotics and a Volume Resuscitation for Young Infants with Septic Shock. Antibiotics (Basel). 2021 Nov 19;10(11):1414. doi: 10. 3390/antibiotics10111414. PMID:34827352.
  81. Nomura O, Morikawa Y, Mori T, Hagiwara Y, Sakakibara H, Horikoshi Y, Inoue N. Limited Utility of SIRS Criteria for Identifying Serious Infections in Febrile Young Infants. Children (Basel). 2021 Nov 3;8(11):1003. doi:10.3390/children8111003. PMID:34828716.
  82. Nomura O, Wiseman J, Sunohara M, Akatsu H, Lajoie S P. Japanese medical learners’ achievement emotions: Accounting for culture in translating Western medical educational theories and instruments into an asian context. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract. 2021 Oct;26(4):1255-1276. doi:10.1007/s10459-021-10048-9. PMID:33978878.
  83. Nomura O, Fukuda S, Ota E, Ono H, Ishiguro A, Kobayashi T. Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses: Monoclonal antibody and anti-cytokine biologics for Kawasaki disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2021 Oct;51(5):1045-1056. doi:10.1016/j.semarthrit.2021.07.020. PMID:34416626.
  84. Hiraki K, Irie J, Nomura O, Machino H, Yaguchi S, Ishizawa Y, Soma Y, Hanada H. Impact of air temperature on occurrence of bath-related cardiac arrest. Medicine(Baltimore). 2021 Sep 17;100(37):e27269. doi:10.1097/MD. 0000000000027269. PMID:34664881.
  85. Imanishi S, Nomura O, Hanada H. Phantom abdominal wall extravasation of contrast media on abdominal X-ray. Emerg Med J. 2021 Sep;38(9):691-700. doi:10.1136/emermed-2020-209758. PMID:34413132.


  1. Nishinaka-Arai Y, Niwa A, Matsuo S, Kazuki Y, Yakura Y, Hiroma T, Toki T, Sakuma T, Yamamoto T, Ito E, Oshimura M, Nakahata T, Saito MK. Down syndrome-related transient abnormal myelopoiesis is attributed to a specific erythro-megakaryocytic subpopulation with GATA1 mutation. Haematologica 2020 Apr 30; haematol.2019.242693. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2019.242693. [Online ahead of print]
  2. Terui K, Toki T, Taga T, Iwamoto S, Miyamura T, Hasegawa D, Moritake H, Hama A, Nakashima K, Kanezaki R, Kudo K, Saito AM, Horibe K, Adachi S, Tomizawa D, Ito E. Highly sensitive detection of GATA1 mutations in patients with myeloid leukemia associated with Down syndrome by combining Sanger and targeted next generation sequencing. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 2020;59(3):160-167. doi: 10.1002/gcc.22816.
  3. Yuzawa K, Terui K, Toki T, Kanezaki R, Kobayashi A, Sato T, Kamio T, Kudo K, Sasaki S, Endo M, Ozono S, Nomura K, Ito E. Clinical, cytogenetic, and molecular analyses of 17 neonates with transient abnormal myelopoiesis and nonconstitutional trisomy 21. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2020 Apr;67(4):e28188. doi: 10.1002/pbc.28188.
  4. Takahashi Y, Terui K, Chinen Y, Tandai S, Kudo K, Sasaki S, Tono C, Taki T, Ito E. A pediatric case of secondary T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia with KMT2A-MAML2 developing after hepatoblastoma treatment. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2020 Jan;67(1):e28033. doi: 10.1002/pbc.28033.
  5. Kimura K, Shimazu K, Toki T, Misawa M, Fukuda K, Yoshida T, Taguchi D, Fukuda S, Iijima K, Takahashi N, Ito E, Nanjyo H, Shibata H. Outcome of colorectal cancer in Diamond-Blackfan syndrome with a ribosomal protein S19 mutation. Clin J Gastroenterol. 2020 Jul 8. doi: 10.1007/s12328-020-01176-7. [Online ahead of print]
  6. Yoshida N, Sakaguchi H, Yabe M, Hasegawa D, Hama A, Hasegawa D, Kato M, Noguchi M, Terui K, Takahashi Y, Cho Y, Sato M, Koh K, Kakuda H, Shimada H, Hashii Y, Sato A, Kato K, Atsuta Y, Watanabe K; Pediatric Myelodysplastic Syndrome Working Group of the Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Clinical Outcomes after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Children with Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia: A Report from the Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2020 May;26(5):902-910. doi: 10.1016/j.bbmt.2019.11.029.
  7. Aoki T, Takahashi H, Tanaka S, Shiba N, Hasegawa D, Iwamoto S, Terui K, Moritake H, Nakayama H, Shimada A, Koh K, Goto H, Kosaka Y, Saito AM, Horibe K, Kinoshita A, Tawa A, Taga T, Adachi S, Tomizawa D. Predisposition to prolonged neutropenia after chemotherapy for paediatric acute myeloid leukaemia is associated with better prognosis in the Japanese Paediatric Leukaemia/Lymphoma Study Group AML-05 study. Br J Haematol. 2020 Apr 26. doi: 10.1111/bjh.16656. [Online ahead of print]
  8. Sako M, Ishii T, Okada K, Mochizuki T, Hara J, Kudo K, Imashuku S. Successful unrelated cord blood transplantation for extensive meningeal juvenile xanthogranuloma developing after treatment of Langerhans cell histiocytosis in a child. Rinsho Ketsueki 2020;61(5):468-473. doi: 10.11406/rinketsu.61.468.
  9. 照井君典,伊藤悦朗.Down症候群における前白血病状態から骨髄性白血病移行の分子病態.血液内科 2020;80(3):415-421.
  10. 照井君典,伊藤悦朗.【小児血液・腫瘍疾患の最前線】研究の最前線 Down症候群関連白血病の分子病態.小児科診療 2020;83(4):497-504.
  11. Watanabe S, Hirono K, Aizawa T, Tsugawa K, Joh K, Imaizumi T, Tanaka H. Podocyte sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase acid-like 3b is decreased among children with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome. Clin Exp Nephrol. 2020. doi: 10.1007/s10157-020-01970-0. [Online ahead of print]
  12. Aizawa T, Morisada N, Nozu K, Tandai S, Tanaka H. Expanding the phenotype of Bardet-Biedl syndrome: Newly diagnosed sibling cases. Pediatr Int. 2020;62(1):101-103. doi: 10.1111/ped.14066.
  13. Hashimoto S, Aizawa T, Watanabe S, Tsugawa K, Tanaka H. Osteomyelitis-related glomrulonephritis with myeloperoxidase-antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody positivity. Pediatr Int. 2020;62(2):236-238. doi: 10.1111/ped.14080.
  14. Tsugawa K, Tanaka H. Septicemia due to bacterial translocation in IgA vasculitis: a rare complication?. Pediatr Int. 2020;62(4):512-513. doi: 10.1111/ped.14130.
  15. Tanaka H. Orthostatic proteinuria revisited: new impact of the “old” clinical entity?. Ann Transl Med. 2020;8(13):814. doi: 10.21037/atm.2020.02.181.
  16. Tanaka H, Imaizumi T. Toll-like receptor 3 signaling and human glomerular endothelial cells. J Exp Nephrol. 2020;1(1):9-11.
  17. Sato R, Tanaka H. Successful low-dose cyclosporine A treatment of a case of juvenile dermatomyositis with interstitial lung disease. Eur J Rheumatol. 2020;7(3):138-139. doi: 10.5152/eurjrheum.2020.20045.
  18. 三浦文武,藤田 円,湯沢健太郎,小山石 隼,嶋田 淳,北川陽介,大谷勝記,金城 学,高橋 徹,伊藤悦朗.危機的産科出血と胎児母体間輸血症候群をきたしたFontan手術後妊娠の分娩.日本小児科学会雑誌 2020;124(4):692-698.
  19. 田中朝志,飛田 規,紀野修一,立花直樹,横濱章彦,浦崎芳正,河野武弘,藤井輝久,長井一浩,浅井隆善.日本における輸血機能評価認定(I&A)の意義.日本輸血細胞治療学会誌 2020;66(1):7-12.
  20. Nakada T. Preventive therapies using sodium channel blockers for congenital long QT syndrome. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences 2020;6(6):7-12.
  21. 中田利正.眼球結膜充血.川崎病診断の手引きガイドブック2020,日本川崎病学会,初版,P18-19,診断と治療社,東京,2020.
  22. 中田利正.初回治療前に冠動脈病変を合併した川崎病の転帰.青森県立中央病院医誌 2020;65(1):1-7.
  23. 冨本和彦.日常のうんちについて相談を受けた際のアドバイスのポイント.月刊母子保健 2020;733:4-5.
  24. 冨本和彦.「母乳育児サポートのために‐鉄とビタミンD‐」.青森県小児科医会報 2020;20:61-71.
  25. 冨本和彦.「ビタミンDの新知見」ビタミンD欠乏の現状.小児科臨床 2020;73(7):965-979.
  26. Kubota M, Ito K, Tomimoto K, Kanazaki M, Tsukiyama K, Kubota A, Kuroki H, Fujita M, Vandenplas Y. Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 and Magnesium Oxide in Children with Functional Chronic Constipation: A Double-Blind and Randomized Clinical Trial. Nutrients 2020;12(1):225. doi: 10.3390/nu12010225.
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  29. 北澤淳一.Ⅵ輸血療法 G小児科(周産期領域),Inスタンダード輸血検査テキスト 第3版,認定輸血検査技師制度協議会カリキュラム委員会編,P262-266,医歯薬出版,東京,2020.
  30. 北澤淳一.輸血療法.日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌 2020;56(5):436-440.
  31. Nomura O, Kobayashi T, Nagata C, Kuriyama T, Sako M, Saito K, Ishiguro A. Needs Assessment for Supports to Promote pediatric Clinical Research Using an Online Survey of the Japanese Children’s Hospitals Association. JMA Journal 2020;3(2):131-137. doi: 10.31662/jmaj.2019-0037.
  32. Nomura O, Ihara T, Morikawa Y, Sakakibara H, Hagiwara Y, Inoue N, Akasawa A. Metered-dose inhale ipratropium bromide for children with acute asthma exacerbation: A prospective, non-randomized, observational study. Pediatr Int. 2020;62(3):319-323. doi: 10.1111/ped.14146.
  33. Hayakawa I, Nomura O, Uda K, Funakoshi Y, Sakakibara H, Horikoshi Y. Incidence and aetiology of serious viral infections in young febrile infants. J Paediatr Child Health. 2020;56(4):586-589. doi: 10.1111/jpc.14692.
  34. Ihara T, Nomura O, Mori T, Shimojima N. Early Diagnosis of a Pediatric Pancreatic Tumor by Abdominal Physical Examination: A Case Report. J Emerg Med. 2020;58(4):e211-e214. doi: 10.1016/j.jemermed.2020.03.025.
  35. Mori T, Takei H, Nomura O, Ihara T, Hagiwara Y. Pediatric Case of Successful Point-of-Care Ultrasound-Guided Nasogastric Tube Placement. J Emerg Med. 2020;23;S0736-4679(20)30361-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jemermed.2020.04029.
  36. Mori T, Takei H, Sasaoka Y, Nomura O, Ihara T. Semi-automatic intraosseous device (EZ-IO) in a paediatric emergency department. J Paediatr Child Health. 2020 Jun 1. doi: 10.1111/jpc.14940.
  37. 野村 理.学習者中心の教育を実現する インストラクショナルデザイン理論とモデル,第12章 反転授業のためのインストラクショナルデザイン,北大路書房,2020.
  38. Osonoi K, Kudo K, Kobayashi A, Matsukura D, Tanaka K, Terui K, Ito E. Comprehensive evaluation including ultrasound monitoring of fetal hemolytic disease in Rhesus E incompatibility. Hirosaki Medical Journal. 2020;71(1):71-4.
  39. Hasegawa D, Tawa A, Tomizawa D, Watanabe T, Saito AM, Kudo K, Taga T, Iwamoto S, Shimada A, Terui K, Moritake H, Kinoshita A, Takahashi H, Nakayama H, Koh K, Goto H, Kosaka Y, Miyachi H, Horibe K, Nakahata T, Adachi S. Attempts to optimize postinduction treatment in childhood acute myeloid leukemia without core-binding factors: A report from the Japanese Pediatric Leukemia/Lymphoma Study Group(JPLSG). Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2020 Dec;67(12):e28692. doi:10.1002/pbc.28692. PMID: 32886449.
  40. Dingler FA, Wang M, Mu A, Millington CL, Oberbeck N, Watcham S, Pontel LB, Kamimae-Lanning AN, Langevin F, Nadler C, Cordell RL, Monks PS, Yu R, Wilson NK, Hira A, Yoshida K, Mori M, Okamoto Y, Okuno Y, Muramatsu H, Shiraishi Y, Kobayashi M, Moriguchi T, Osumi T, Kato M, Miyano S, Ito E, Kojima S, Yabe H, Yabe M, Matsuo K, Ogawa S, Göttgens B, Hodskinson MRG, Takata M, Patel KJ. Two Aldehyde Clearance Systems Are Essential to Prevent Lethal Formaldehyde Accumulation in Mice and Humans. Mol Cell. 2020 Dec 17;80(6):996-1012.e9. doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2020.10.012. PMID:33147438.
  41. Kimura K, Shimazu K, Toki T, Misawa M, Fukuda K, Yoshida T, Taguchi D, Fukuda S, Iijima K, Takahashi N, Ito E, Nanjyo H, Shibata H. Outcome of colorectal cancer in Diamond-Blackfan syndrome with a ribosomal protein S19 mutation. Clin J Gastroenterol. 2020 Dec;13(6):1173-1177. doi: 10.1007/s12328-020-01176-7. PMID: 32643123.
  42. 照井君典,伊藤悦朗.【造血器腫瘍学(第2版)-基礎と臨床の最新研究動向-】Down症に伴う骨髄増殖症.日本臨床 2020;78(増刊号):696-701.
  43. 佐々木伸也,伊藤悦朗.【周産期と悪性腫瘍】新生児科 新生児・乳児期の悪性腫瘍 一過性骨髄異常増殖症と急性巨核芽球性白血病.周産期医学 2020;50(9):1613-1615.
  44. 佐々木伸也,伊藤悦朗.【周産期の薬】新生児編 疾患に対する薬剤の選び方・使い方・注意点 一過性骨髄異常増殖症.周産期医学 2020;50(増刊号):639-641.
  45. Nakada T. Acute Phase Treatment and Medium-Term Outcomes in Kawasaki Disease. European Journal of Medical and Health Sciences. 2020;2(4), August:1-7. doi:10.24018/ejmed.2020.2.4.419.
  46. Nakada T. Outcomes of Kawasaki disease in families. European Journal of Medical and Health Sciences. 2020;2(5):1-5. doi:10.24018/ejmed. 2020.2.5.494.
  47. Nakada T. Current Real-World Outcomes of Recurrent Kawasaki Disease. Sumerianz Journal of Medical and Healthcare. 2020;3(10):87-92.
  48. 中田利正.川崎病再燃に関する最近の知見.青森県立中央病院医誌 2020;65(2):47-52.
  49. 中田利正.先天性QT延長症候群における遺伝子変異,表現型と予防的治療.青森県立中央病院医誌 2020;65(4):135-140.
  50. 冨本和彦.プライマリケアにおける小児慢性機能性便秘症の治療.日本小児科学会雑誌 2020;124(8);1214-1223.
  51. 冨本和彦.赤ちゃんのビタミンDと鉄の不足が深刻!.Happy-Note 2020;64:38.
  52. 冨本和彦.【小児期の慢性便秘】小児慢性機能性便秘症の病態.外来小児小児科 2020;23(3-4):284-290.
  53. 冨本和彦.【ビタミンDの新知見】ビタミンD欠乏の現状.小児科臨床 2020;73(7):965-970.
  54. 荒井宏治,杉野茂人,佐藤 勇.病児保育室における預かり児の疾患.病児保育研究 2020;11:85-93.
  55. 荒井宏治,杉野茂人,大川洋二.平成30年度全国病児保育協議会加盟施設実績調査結果.病児保育研究 2020;11:122-128.
  56. 奥田 誠,池本純子,石丸 健,内川 誠,梶原道子,北澤淳一,国分寺晃,小山典久,竹下明裕,三浦邦彦,安田広康,松本雅則,松下 正,日本輸血・細胞治療学会,同ガイドライン委員会,同赤血球型検査(赤血球系検査)ガイドライン小委員会.赤血球型検査(赤血球系検査)ガイドライン(改訂3版).日本輸血細胞治療学会誌 2020;66(6):695-717.
  57. 牧野茂義,菅野 仁,岡本好雄,北澤淳一,山本晃士,安村 敏,米村雄士,横濱章彦,松下 正.改善されてきたわが国の輸血医療,その現状と課題 血液製剤使用実態調査から見えてくるもの.日本輸血細胞治療学会誌 2020;66(4):619-628.
  58. 小山典久,網塚貴介,奥起久子,川口千晴,白川嘉継,長 和俊,細野茂春,旧日本未熟児新生児学会輸血問題委員会.新生児の交換輸血およびその使用血液に関する実態調査.日本新生児成育医学会雑誌 2020;32(2):376-381.
  59. 網塚貴介,与田仁志,日本新生児成育医学会診療委員会.新生児科医師の勤務状況と働き方改革の観点から考察した医師供給に関する調査.日本小児科学会雑誌 2020;124(12):1758-1763.
  60. Hasegawa D, Imamura T, Yumura-Yagi K, Takahashi Y, Usami I, Suenobu SI, Nishimura S, Suzuki N, Hashii Y, Deguchi T, Moriya-Saito A, Kato K, Kosaka Y, Hirayama M, Iguchi A, Kawasaki H, Hori H, Sato A, Kudoh T, Nakahata T, Oda M, Hara J, Horibe K; Japan Association of Childhood Leukemia Study Group (JACLS). Risk-adjusted therapy for pediatric non-T cell ALL improves outcomes for standard risk patients: results of JACLS ALL-02. Blood Cancer J. 2020 Feb 27;10(2):23. doi:10.1038/s41408-020-0287-4.
  61. Tomizawa D, Miyamura T, Imamura T, Watanabe T, Moriya Saito A, Ogawa A, Takahashi Y, Hirayama M, Taki T, Deguchi T, Hori T, Sanada M, Ohmori S, Haba M, Iguchi A, Arakawa Y, Koga Y, Manabe A, Horibe K, Ishii E, Koh K. A risk-stratified therapy for infants with acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a report from the JPLSG MLL-10 trial. Blood. 2020 Oct 15;136(16):1813-1823. doi: 10.1182/blood.2019004741.
  62. 佐藤理子,高橋良博,千葉友揮,渡部潤子,高橋幸利,池田保彦.インフルエンザBに合併した非ヘルペス性急性辺縁系脳炎の1例.青森県立中央病院医誌 2020;65(2):60-65.
  63. 松山美智子,高橋良博,田中龍彦,町田佳織,千葉友揮,渡部潤子,池田保彦.気管支喘息の初回大発作に合併した縦隔気腫の1小児例.青森県立中央病院医誌 2020;65(3):91-94.
  64. 高橋良博,田中龍彦,遅野井香純,町田佳織,千葉友揮,渡部潤子,池田保彦.フルニトラゼパム誤飲により意識障害をきたした1幼児例.青森県立中央病院医誌 2020;65(3):99-103.
  65. 高橋良博,高山留美子,會田久美子,渡部潤子,安保 亘,池田保彦.経口少量ステロイドが有効だった付着部炎関連関節炎の1例.青森県立中央病院医誌 2020;65(4):141-147.
  66. 町田佳織,高橋良博,太田香純,千葉友揮,渡部潤子,池田保彦.ヒトパルボウイルスB19感染後に発症した帯状疱疹髄膜炎の1男児例.青森県立中央病院医誌 2020;65(4):152-156.
  67. 敦賀和志,杉田 梓,松本麻希,藤岡彩夏,佐藤 啓,佐藤 工,杉本和彦.発熱と炎症反応高値を伴い,敗血症との鑑別を要したIgA血管炎の男児例.小児リウマチ 2020;11(1):67-71.
  68. Nomura O, Nonogi H, Hanada H. Letter to the editor. Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Disposable Aerosol Box. J Emerg Med. 2020;59(4):e154-155. doi:10. 1016/j.jemermed.2020.06.069.
  69. 緒方健作,野村 理.指導者の自己効力感.医療職の能力開発 2020;7(1):7-11.
  70. 井上信明,野村 理,他.小児救急医療の教育・研修目標改定ワーキンググループ活動報告.日本小児救急医学会雑誌 2020;19(3):360-372.
  71. 黒田 駿,伊原崇晃,野村 理,猪口 剛,山岸由和,小橋孝介.青色の舌所見から診断に至ったフルニトラゼパム誤飲の2例.日本小児科学会雑誌 2020;124(11):1640-1644.
  72. 野村 理.第12章 反転授業のためのインストラクショナルデザイン.学習者中心の教育を実現するインストラクショナルデザイン理論とモデル(C. M.ライゲールス他編),総ページ数486ページ,単行本(学術書),共訳北大路書房,京都,2020.
  73. 野村 理,小林 徹.川崎病.お医者さんオンライン(永井良三,大曲貴夫,神田善伸,他),プレシジョン,北大路書房,2020.


  1. Kubota Y, Uryu K, Ito T, Seki M, Kawai T, Isobe T, Kumagai T, Toki T, Yoshida K, Suzuki H, Kataoka K, Shiraishi Y, Chiba K, Tanaka H, Ohki K, Kiyokawa N, Kagawa J, Miyano S, Oka A, Hayashi Y, Ogawa S, Terui K, Sato A, Hata K, Ito E, Takita J. Integrated genetic and epigenetic analysis revealed heterogeneity of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in Down syndrome. Cancer Sci. 2019 Aug 5. doi: 10.1111/cas.14160.
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  3. Kudo K, Tanaka T, Kobayashi A, Terui K, Ito E. Zoledronic acid for relapsed Langerhans cell histiocytosis with isolated skull bone lesion. Pediatr Int. 2019;61(3):315-317. doi: 10.1111/ped.13774.
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  10. Aizawa T, Imaizumi T, Hirono K, Watanabe S, Tsugawa K, Tanaka H. Chloroquine attenuates TLR3-mediated plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 expression in cultured human glomerular endothelial cells. Clin Exp Nephrol. 2019;23:448-454. doi: 10.1007/s10157-018-1659-y.
  11. Liu Q, Imaizumi T, Aizawa T, Hirono K, Kawaguchi S, Watanabe S, Tsugawa K, Matsumiya T, Seya K, Yoshida H, Tanaka H. Cytosolic sensors of viral RNA are involved in the production of interleukin-6 via Toll-like receptor 3 signaling in human glomerular endothelial cells. Kidney Blood Press Res. 2019;44:62-71. doi: 10.1159/000498837.
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  17. Miura F, Shimada J, Kitagawa Y, Ootani K, Sato T, Toki T, Takahashi T, Yonesaka S, Mizukami H, Ito E. MYH7 mutation identified by next-generation sequencing in three infant siblings with bi-ventricular noncompaction presenting with restrictive hemodynamics. Journal of Cardiology Cases 2019;19:140-143.
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  35. Nakashima K, Hasegawa D, Tomizawa D, Miyamura T, Hama A, Iwamoto S, Terui K, Adachi S, Taga T. Characteristics and outcomes of children with acute myeloid leukemia and Down syndrome who are ineligible for clinical trials due to severe comorbidities. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2019 Nov;66(11):e27942. doi: 10.1002/pbc.27942. [Online ahead of print]
  36. Kubo K, Kudo K, Toki T, Kanezaki R, Ikeda F, Ito T, Kobayashi A, Sato T, Kamio T, Sasaki S, Terui K. Comprehensive genetic analyses of relapsed B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children. Hirosaki Med J. 2019;70(1):13-23.
  37. Takahashi N, Kudo K, Tanaka M, Kumagai N, Sato T, Kamio T, Sasaki S, Terui K, Kurose A, Yanagisawa R, Nakazawa Y, Ito E. A Rapid Cytologic Double Staining of Epstein-Barr Virus-encoded Small RNA and Cell Surface Markers for Diagnosis of Epstein-Barr Virus-associated Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2019 Nov 14. doi: 10.1097/MPH.0000000000001647. [Online ahead of print]
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  43. Hirono K, Imaizumi T, Aizawa T, Watanabe S, Tsugawa K, Shiratori T, Kawaguchi S, Seya K, Matsumiya T, Ito E, Tanaka H. Endothelial expression of fractalkine (CX3CL1) is induced by Toll-like receptor 3 signaling in cultured human glomerular endothelial cells. Mod Rheumatol. 2019;5:1-8. doi: 10.1080/14397595.2019.1682768. [Online ahead of print]
  44. 藤田 円,湯澤健太郎,三浦文武,相澤知美,嶋田 淳,北川陽介,渡邊祥二郎,津川浩二,敦賀和志,丹代 論,大谷勝記,田中 完,高橋 徹,伊藤悦朗.トシリズマブが奏功した難治性小児高安動脈炎の女子例.弘前医学 2019;70:56-61.
  45. 浅利有紗,相澤知美,渡邊祥二郎,津川浩二,田中 完,伊藤悦朗.シクロスポリン1日1回投与法が有効であったステロイド抵抗性重症アトピー性皮膚炎の男子例.弘前医学 2019; 70:77-81.
  46. 三浦文武,花田 勇,嶋田 淳,北川陽介,山本達也,大谷勝記,藤田浩史,高橋 徹,米坂 勧,伊藤悦朗.右室流出路形成術を行ったFallot四徴症合併の尾部退行症候群.日本小児科学会雑誌 2019;123(11):1648-1653.
  47. Nakada T. Usefulness of an initial single intravenous immunoglobulin infusion with delayed use of aspirin against Kawasaki disease relapse: a single-center retrospective study. Journal of Advanced Research in Medicine 2019;6(1):18-24.
  48. Nakada T. Risk stratification after initial therapy for intravenous immunoglobulin-resistant Kawasaki disease. Research Journal of Life Sciences, Bioinformatics, Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences 2019;5(5): 1-13.
  49. Nakada T. Acute phase complications of older children with Kawasaki disease. Asian Journal of Medical Research 2019;8(3):4-8.
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  55. 三橋達郎,平野龍一,長内克嘉,北澤淳一.黄色ブドウ球菌菌血症治療におけるAntimicrobial Stewardship Team介入の効果.日本環境感染学会誌 2019:34(4):227-233.
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  57. Hirano R, Minakawa S, Kitazawa J, Saito N, Kayaba H. Impact on Antifungal Susceptibility Patterns of Previous vs. Revised Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute Breakpoints for Candida Species Isolated from Candidemia: Experience of Two Tertiary Care Institutions in Japan. Clin lab. 2019;65(7):1313-1323.
  58. 竹井寛和,伊東崇晃,野村 理,萩原佑亮.小児救急室を受診したヘアターニケット症候群の8例.日本小児科学会雑誌 2019;123(8):1243-1247.
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  6. Sonoda M, Ishimura M, Ichimiya Y, Terashi E, Eguchi K, Sakai Y, Takada H, Hama A, Kanno H, Toki T, Ito E, Ohga S. Atypical erythroblastosis in a patient with Diamond-Blackfan anemia who developed del (20q) myelodysplasia. Int J Hematol. 2018; 108: 228-31.
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  8. Shimada A, Iijima-Yamashita Y, Tawa A, Tomizawa D, Yamada M, Norio S, Watanabe T, Taga T, Iwamoto S, Terui K, Moritake H, Kinoshita A, Takahashi H, Nakayama H, Koh K, Goto H, Kosaka Y, Saito AM, Kiyokawa N, Horibe K, Hara Y, Oki K, Hayashi Y, Tanaka S, Adachi S. Risk-stratified therapy for children with FLT3-ITD-positive acute myeloid leukemia: results from the JPLSG AML-05 study. Int J Hematol. 2018; 107: 586-95.
  9. Matsuzaki Y, Rokunohe A, Minakawa S, Nomura K, Nakano H, Ito E, Sawamura D. Incontinentia pigmenti in a male (XY) infant with long-term follow up over 8 years. J Dermatol. 2018 Jan;45(1):100-103.
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  11. 神尾卓哉,伊藤悦朗.指定難病最前線 (Volume 59) ダイアモンド・ブラックファン貧血の診断、治療と実際.新薬と臨牀 2018; 67: 465-72.
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  14. Watanabe S, Aizawa T, Tsukaguchi H, Tsugawa K, Tsuruga K, Shono A, Nozu K, Iijima K, Joh K, Tanaka H. Long-term clinicopathologic observation in a case of steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome caused by a novel Crumbs homolog 2 mutation. Nephrology (Carlton) 2018; 23: 697-702. doi: 10.1111/nep.13244.
  15. Liu Q, Imaizumi T, Kawaguchi S, Aizawa T, Matsumiya T, Watanabe S, Tsugawa K, Yoshida H, Tsuruga K, Joh K, Kijima H, Tanaka H. Toll-like receptor 3 signaling contributes to regional neutrophil recruitment in cultured human glomerular endothelial cells. Nephron 2018; 139: 349-358. doi: 10.1159/ 000489507.
  16. Imaizumi T, Arai A, Kawaguchi S, Hayakari R, Matsumiya T, Seya K, Yoshida H, Tanaka H. Retinoic acid-inducible gene-I, melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 and C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 10 are induced by a Toll-like receptor 3 agonist in human brain microvascular endothelial cells. Clin Exp Neuroimmunol. 2018; 9: 189-197. doi:10.1111/cen3.12463.
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  18. Tanaka T, Oki E, Mori T, Tsuruga K, Sohara E, Uchida S, Tanaka H. Complete clinical resolution of a Japanese family with renal pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1 due to a novel NR3C2 mutation. Nephrology (Carlton) 2018. doi: 10.1111/nep.13391. [Online ahead of print version].
  19. Nakada T. Combined Usefulness of Serum Albumin and C-Reactive Protein for Guiding Rescue Therapy for Intravenous Immunoglobulin-Resistant Kawasaki Disease. International Journal of Advances in Medical Sciences 2018; 3(3): 1-7.
  20. Nakada T. Inhibitory Effect of Anti-Inflammatory Drugs on the Initial Intravenous Immunoglobulin Therapy (2g/kg/dose) in Kawasaki Disease. International Journal of Advances in Medical Sciences 2018; 3(5): 1-10.
  21. Nakada T. Intravenous Immunoglobulin Therapy for Prevention of Coronary Artery Stenosis Caused in Kawasaki Disease. International Journal of Advances in Medical Sciences 2018; 3(6): 1-13.
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  36. Takei H, Nomura O, Hagiwara Y, Inoue N. The Management of Pediatric Genital Injuries at a Pediatric Emergency Department in Japan. Pediatr Emergency Care. 2018. doi: 10.1097/PEC.0000000000001489. [Epub ahead of print]
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  39. Uemura S, Mori T, Nagano C, Takafuji S, Nishimura N, Toki T, Terui K, Ito E, Iijima K. Effective response to azacitidine in a child with a second relapse of myeloid leukemia associated with Down syndrome after bone marrow transplantation. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2018;65(12):e27414. doi: 10.1002/pbc.27414.
  40. Toki T, Yoshida K, Wang R, Nakamura S, Maekawa T, Goi K, Katoh MC, Mizuno S, Sugiyama F, Kanezaki R, Uechi T, Nakajima Y, Sato Y, Okuno Y, Sato-Otsubo A, Shiozawa Y, Kataoka K, Shiraishi Y, Sanada M, Chiba K, Tanaka H, Terui K, Sato T, Kamio T, Sakaguchi H, Ohga S, Kuramitsu M, Hamaguchi I, Ohara A, Kanno H, Miyano S, Kojima S, Ishiguro A, Sugita K, Kenmochi N, Takahashi S, Eto K, Ogawa S, Ito E. De Novo Mutations Activating Germline TP53 in an Inherited Bone-Marrow-Failure Syndrome. Am J Hum Genet. 2018 Sep 6;103(3):440-447.
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  42. Minakawa S, Matsuzaki Y, Terui K, Kayaba H, Sawamura D. Tuberculous granuloma developed 9 years after bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccination in a patient with immunodeficiency. J Dermatol. 2018;45(11):e293-e295. doi: 10.1111/1346-8138.14468.
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  31. Miot C, Imai K, Imai C, Mancini AJ, Kucuk ZY, Kawai T, Nishikomori R, Ito E, Pellier I, Dupuis Girod S, Rosain J, Sasaki S, Chandrakasan S, Pachlopnik Schmid J, Okano T, Colin E, Olaya-Vargas A, Yamazaki-Nakashimada M, Qasim W, Espinosa Padilla S, Jones A, Krol A, Cole N, Jolles S, Bleesing J, Vraetz T, Gennery AR, Abinun M, Güngör T, Costa-Carvalho B, Condino-Neto A, Veys P, Holland SM, Uzel G, Moshous D, Neven B, Blanche S, Ehl S, Döffinger R, Patel SY, Puel A, Bustamante J, Gelfand EW, Casanova JL, Orange JS, Picard C. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in 29 patients hemizygous for hypomorphic IKBKG / NEMO mutations. Blood 2017; 130: 1456-67.
  32. Matsuo H, Shiga S, Imai T, Kamikubo Y, Toki T, Terui K, Ito E, Adachi S. Purification of leukemic blast cells from blood smears using laser microdissection. Int J Hematol. 2017; 106: 55-59.
  33. Noujima-Harada M, Takata K, Miyata-Takata T, Sakurai H, Igarashi K, Ito E, Nagakita K, Taniguchi K, Ohnishi N, Omote S, Tabata T, Sato Y, Yoshino T. Frequent downregulation of BACH2 expression in Epstein-Barr virus-positive diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Cancer Sci. 2017; 108: 1071-9.
  34. Moritake H, Tanaka S, Nakayama H, Miyamura T, Iwamoto S, Shimada A, Terui K, Saito A, Shiba N, Hayashi Y, Tomizawa D, Taga T, Goto H, Hasegawa D, Horibe K, Mizutani S, Adachi S. Outcome of relapsed core binding factor acute myeloid leukemia in children: A result from the Japanese Pediatric Leukemia/Lymphoma Study Group (JPLSG) AML-05R study. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2017 Oct; 64 (10). doi: 10.1002/pbc.26491.
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  43. 中田利正.初回免疫グロブリン療法不応川崎病の臨床像と治療.青森県立中央病院医誌 2017; 62(2): 53-58.
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  45. 菅野 仁,牧野茂義,北澤淳一,田中朝志,高橋孝喜,半田 誠,室井一男.2016年日本における血液製剤使用実態と輸血管理体制の調査報告.日本輸血細胞治療学会誌 2017; 63(6): 788-797.
  46. 北澤淳一,小原 明,東 寛,小川千登世,梶原道子,小山典久,細野茂春,堀越泰雄,松本 雅則,松下 正.科学的根拠に基づいた小児輸血のガイドライン.日本輸血細胞治療学会誌 2017; 63(6): 741-747.
  47. 北澤淳一,玉井佳子,藤田 浩,牧野茂義,正木康史,大本英次郎,小田秀隆,中村 弘,二木敏彦,黒田 優,立花直樹,松本雅則,松下 正.日本輸血・細胞治療学会ガイドライン委員会小規模医療機関(在宅を含む)輸血ガイドライン策定タスクフォース:在宅赤血球輸血ガイド.日本輸血細胞治療学会誌 2017; 63(5): 664-673.
  48. 北澤淳一,目黒冬樹,古里聡子,手代森隆一,柴田絵里子,高野康之,太田真紀.院内感染リスクが高い耐性菌に関する遺伝子学的研究.青森県立中央病院医誌 2017; 62(2): 88-89.
  49. 北澤淳一,ほか.輸血の実際と看護、In 学会認定・臨床輸血看護師制度カリキュラム委員会編、看護師のための臨床輸血学会認定・臨床輸血看護師テキスト 第2版.中外医学社 2017; 74-88.
  50. 北澤淳一.小児科(周産期領域).In スタンダード輸血検査テキスト 第3版.医歯薬出版 2017; 262-266.
  51. Nomura O, Mishina H, Jasti H, Sakai H, Ishiguro A. Pediatric resident perceptions of shift work in ward rotations. Pediatr Int. 2017; 59(10): 1119-1122.
  52. 野村 理,森川和彦,萩原佑亮,伊原崇晃,井上信明,榊原裕史,赤澤 晃.小児気管支喘息発作に対するイプラトロピウム臭化物吸入療法の使用経験.アレルギー 2017; 66(7): 945-952.


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  4. Utsugisawa T, Uchiyama T, Toki T, Ogura H, Aoki T, Hamaguchi I, Ishiguro A, Ohara A, Kojima S, Ohga S, Ito E, Kanno H. Erythrocyte glutathione is a novel biomarker of Diamond-Blackfan anemia. Blood Cells Mol Dis 2016; 59: 31-6.
  5. Banno K, Omori S, Hirata K, Nawa N, Nakagawa N, Nishimura K, Ohtaka M, Nakanishi M, Sakuma T, Yamamoto T, Toki T, Ito E, Yamamoto T, Kokubu C, Takeda J, Taniguchi H, Arahori H, Wada K, Kitabatake Y, Ozono K. Systematic Cellular Disease Models Reveal Synergistic Interaction of Trisomy 21 and GATA1 Mutations in Hematopoietic Abnormalities. Cell Rep 2016; 15: 1228-41.
  6. Yoshimi A, Toya T, Nannya Y, Takaoka K, Kirito K, Ito E, Nakajima H, Hayashi Y, Takahashi T, Moriya-Saito A, Suzuki K, Harada H, Komatsu N, Usuki K, Ichikawa M, Kurokawa M. Spectrum of clinical and genetic features of patients with inherited platelet disorder with suspected predisposition to hematological malignancies: a nationwide survey in Japan. Ann Oncol 2016; 27: 887-95.
  7. Ikeda F, Toki T, Kanezaki R, Terui K, Yoshida K, Kanno H, Ohga S, Ohara A, Kojima S, Ogawa S, Ito E. ALDH2 polymorphism in patients with Diamond-Blackfan anemia in Japan. Int J Hematol 2016; 103: 112-4.
  8. Taga T, Watanabe T, Tomizawa D, Kudo K, Terui K, Moritake H, Kinoshita A, Iwamoto S, Nakayama H, Takahashi H, Shimada A, Taki T, Toki T, Ito E, Goto H, Koh K, Saito AM, Horibe K, Nakahata T, Tawa A, Adachi S. Preserved High Probability of Overall Survival with Significant Reduction of Chemotherapy for Myeloid Leukemia in Down Syndrome: A Nationwide Prospective Study in Japan. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2016; 63: 248-54.
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  15. Imaizumi T, Shimada T, Matsumiya T, Yoshida H, Watanabe S, Tsuruga K, Kawaguchi S, Murakami K, Joh K, Tanaka H. Interferon-stimulated gene 15, a type I interferon-dependent transcript, is involved in a negative feedback loop in innate immune reactions in human mesangial cells. Nephron 2016; 132: 144-152.
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  19. Imaizumi T, Yano C, Numata A, Tsugawa K, Hayakari R, Matsumiya T, Yoshida H, Watanabe S, Tsuruga K, Kawaguchi S, Murakami M, Tanaka H. Interferon (IFN)-induced protein 35 (IFI35), a type I interferon-dependent transcript, upregulates inflammatory signaling pathways by activating Toll-like receptor 3 in human mesangial cells. Kidney Blood Press Res 2016; 41: (in press)
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  24. 中田利正:最新冠動脈疾患学(下)、XVI.川崎病の臨床、川崎病の治療、薬物治療、免疫グロブリン療法. 日本臨牀74巻 増刊号6(2016)
  25. 玉井佳子、田中一人、北澤淳一、岡本道孝、兎内謙治、村上知教、阿部泰文、柴崎 至、立花直樹、小山内崇将、金子なつき、山形和史、伊藤悦朗. 医師に対する卒後教育方策:弘前大学医学部附属病院と青森県合同輸血療法委員会の活動. 日本輸血細胞治療学会誌 2016; 62: 41-46
  26. Ohsaka A, Kato H, Kino S, Kawabata K, Kitazawa J, Sugimoto T, Takeshita A, Baba K, Hamaguchi M, Fujii Y, Horiuchi K, Yonemura Y, Hamaguchi I, Handa M; Japan Society of Transfusion Medicine and Cell Therapy Working Party on Safety Management of Blood Transfusions. Recommendations for the electronic pre-transfusion check at the bedside. Blood Transfus. 21:1-6. 2016
  27. 藤井 康彦、田中 朝志、小高千加子、加藤 栄史、米村 雄士、藤島 直仁、佐々木さき子、奈良崎正俊、大澤 俊也、田崎 哲典、吉場 史朗、岩尾 憲明、越知 則予、小林 洋子、橋本 誠、児玉 るみ、川野 洋之、竹ノ内博之、金光 靖、野間口由利子、紀野 修一、五十嵐 滋、石井 博之、大谷 慎一、大隈 和、岡崎 仁、北澤 淳一、日野 学、百瀬 俊也、浜口 功:診療科別輸血製剤副作用発生率の調査、日本輸血細胞治療学会誌、62:451-458、2016
  28. 玉井 佳子, 田中 一人, 北澤 淳一, 岡本 道孝, 兎内 謙始, 村上 知教, 阿部 泰文, 柴崎 至, 立花 直樹, 小山内 崇将, 金子 なつき, 山形 和史, 伊藤 悦朗:医師に対する卒後輸血教育方策 弘前大学医学部附属病院と青森県合同輸血療法委員会の活動、日本輸血細胞治療学会誌、62:41-46、2016
  29. 和田 和子、網塚 貴介:少子化に伴って新生児医療体制はどのように変化するか?、日本新生児成育医学会雑誌28巻2号 Page6-9、2016.
  30. 小山 典久、網塚 貴介、他:赤血球濃厚液、新鮮凍結血漿、濃厚血小板を混合した血液の性状と交換輸血使用血としての適格性に関する検討、日本新生児成育医学会雑誌28巻1号 Page77-83、2016.
  31. 網塚 貴介:より低侵襲かつ安全なX線撮影を目指して フラットパネルの新生児急性期医療への効果、MEDICAL NOW 79号、Page20-25、2016.
  32. 網塚 貴介:【周産期領域の新しい検査法】即時画像表示機能つきポータブルX線撮影システム、周産期医学 46巻6号 Page755-757、2016.
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  38. 冨本 和彦.選りすぐりの機材をそろえる.小児科外来の鑑別診断術―迷ったときの道しるべ.東京 中山書店:2016:16-26
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  11. Suzuki K, Fukusumi Y, Yamazaki M, Kaneko H, Tsuruga K, Tanaka H, Ito E, Matsui K, Kawachi H. Alteration in the podoplanin-ezrin-cytoskeleton linkage is an important initiation event of the podocyte injury in puromycin aminonucleoside nephropathy, a mimic of minimal change nephrotic syndrome. Cell Tissue Res. DOI: 10.1007/s00441-015-2178-8 (online ahead of print).
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  40. 高橋良博、加藤高広、會田久美子、渡部潤子、立花直樹、安保 亘. アトピー性皮膚炎に対する食事制限により発症したビタミンK欠乏性くる病の1例. 青森県立中央病院医誌 2015;60:67-71
  41. 北澤淳一、三上英子、中村輝世、吉岡拓朗、志民大輝、寺澤儀男、兎内謙治、立花直樹. 遠心処理後の採血管に見られた診断に結びつく所見 青森県立中央病院医誌 2015; 60: 72-74
  42. 山崎喜子、塗谷智子、相内宏美、北川三千枝、工藤美代子、須藤のり子、三浦聡子、立花直樹. 学会認定看護師の看護教育による輸血関連インシデント内容の変化. 日本輸血細胞治療学会誌 2015; 61:502-505
  43. 高橋慎子、北澤淳一、玉井佳子、中山千晶、西塚和美、乗田生子、境 峰子、塗谷智子、小笠原圭子、山崎喜子、須藤のり子、三浦聡子、工藤美代子、工藤裕美子、大野優輝子、菊池貴子、片山りゅう子、喜多島直美、山口千鶴、山本磨智子、立花直樹. 外来輸血と輸血関連副作用への対応について~青森県合同輸血療法委員会認定看護師部会実施外来輸血アンケート調査から~ 青森県立中央病院医誌 2015; 60: 156-162
  44. 岩尾 憲明, 加藤 栄史, 小高 千加子, 高本 滋, 佐川 公矯, 藤井 康彦, 米村 雄士, 田中 朝志, 岡崎 仁, 岡田 義昭, 大日 康史, 野村 久子, 松下 明夫, 北澤 淳一, 森 宏, 八十嶋 仁, 大隈 和, 山口 一成, 大坂 顯通, 浜口 功:輸血副作用サーベイランスにおけるunderreporting、日本輸血細胞治療学会誌、61:561-566、2015
  45. 菅野 仁, 牧野 茂義, 北澤 淳一, 田中 朝志, 紀野 修一, 高橋 孝喜, 半田 誠, 室井 一男:2014年度日本における輸血管理体制と血液製剤使用実態調査報告、日本輸血細胞治療学会誌、61:529-538、2015
  46. 齋藤 智, 細川 和子, 北澤 淳一:黒石病院における結核検査と対策、黒石病院医誌 21:75-78、2015
  47. 細川 和子, 齋藤 智, 宇野 善成, 井上 文緒, 山本 絢子, 萱場 広之, 北澤 淳一:MRSAのPOT法を用いた分子疫学解析と抗菌薬感受性パターンとの比較.黒石病院医誌 、21:62-65、2015
  48. 須々田 房男, 細川 和子, 須々田 綾子, 北澤 淳一:下肢静脈超音波検査について、黒石病院医誌、21:58-61、2015
  49. 山口 千鶴, 山本 磨知子, 北澤 淳一:当院での不規則抗体と不規則抗体カードについて、黒石病院医誌、21:53-57、2015
  50. 高橋 慎子, 中山 千晶, 西塚 和美, 乗田 生子, 菊池 貴子, 大野 優輝子, 築舘 ルミ子, 山方 りゅう子, 工藤 柳子, 喜多島 直美, 山口 千鶴, 山本 磨知子, 北澤 淳一:外来輸血へのアプローチ 帰宅後の輸血関連有害事象に対する取り組み、黒石病院医誌:21:47-52、2015
  51. 築舘 ルミ子, 北澤 淳一, 西塚 和美, 乗田 生子, 山口 千鶴, 山本 磨知子, 中山 千晶, 菊池 貴子, 大野 優輝子, 山片 りゅう子, 高橋 慎子, 工藤 柳子, 喜多島 直美:看護師による輸血療法院内監査について、黒石病院医誌、21:44-46、2015
  52. 工藤 柳子, 北澤 淳一, 西塚 和美, 乗田 生子, 大野 優輝子, 高橋 慎子, 中山 千晶, 築舘 ルミ子, 菊池 貴子, 山片 りゅう子, 喜多島 直美, 山口 千鶴, 山本 磨知子:院内輸血療法勉強会の工夫 輸血療法委員会による模擬実技とeラーニング、黒石病院医誌 、21:40-43、2015
  53. 大野 優輝子, 北澤 淳一, 西塚 和美, 乗田 生子, 中山 千晶, 築館 ルミ子, 菊池 貴子, 山片 りゅう子, 高橋 慎子, 工藤 柳子, 山口 千鶴, 山本 磨知子, 喜多島 直美:学会認定・臨床輸血看護師主催の輸血研修会の工夫、黒石病院医誌、21:36-39、2015
  54. 乗田 生子, 北澤 淳一, 西塚 和美, 菊池 貴子, 山片 りゅう子, 中山 千晶, 高橋 慎子, 築館 ルミ子, 大野 優輝子, 工藤 柳子, 喜多島 直美, 山口 千鶴, 山本 磨知子:安全な輸血の実施にむけて 学会認定・臨床輸血看護師としての活動について、黒石病院医誌 、21:32-35、2015
  55. 菊池 貴子, 北澤 淳一, 西塚 和美, 山片 りゅう子, 中山 千晶, 乗田 生子, 高橋 慎子, 築館 ルミ子, 大野 優輝子, 工藤 早織, 工藤 柳子, 喜多島 直美, 山口 千鶴, 山本 磨知子:院内統一の輸血パスを作成して 輸血オーダーから実施まで、黒石病院医誌 、21:28-31、2015
  56. 三上 順子, 神 雅昭, 横山 昌樹, 北澤 淳一:経口栄養剤の味付けの工夫に対する医療スタッフへの調査、黒石病院医誌、21:22-24、2015
  57. 石村 奈穂子, 高橋 三保子, 工藤 由紀子, 青山 隆藏, 北澤 淳一:臍ヘルニアのテープ固定療法の実際 保護者へのアンケート調査から、黒石病院医誌、21:1-5、2015
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  59. 網塚 貴介:【周産期救急システム-現状とその対応】 ヘリコプター搬送 新生児における周産期救急ヘリコプター搬送 青森県立中央病院、周産期医学 45巻9号 Page1223-1227、2015.
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  2. Sakaguchi H, Nishio N, Hama A, Kawashima N, Wang X, Narita A, Doisaki S, Xu Y, Muramatsu H, Yoshida N, Takahashi Y, Kudo K, Moritake H, Nakamura K, Kobayashi R, Ito E, Yabe H, Ohga S, Ohara A, Kojima S. Peripheral blood lymphocyte telomere length as a predictor of the response to immunosuppressive therapy in childhood aplastic anemia. Haematologica. 2014 May 9.
  3. Sakurai M, Kunimoto H, Watanabe N, Fukuchi Y, Yuasa S, Yamazaki S, Nishimura T, Sadahira K, Fukuda K, Okano H, Nakauchi H, Morita Y, Matsumura I, Kudo K, Ito E, Ebihara Y, Tsuji K, Harada Y, Harada H, Okamoto S, Nakajima H. Impaired hematopoietic differentiation of RUNX1-mutated induced pluripotent stem cells derived from FPD/AML patients. Leukemia. 2014 Apr 15. doi: 10.1038/leu.2014.136.
  4. Horino S, Sasahara Y, Sato M, Niizuma H, Kumaki S, Abukawa D, Sato A, Imaizumi M, Kanegane H, Kamachi Y, Sasaki S, Terui K, Ito E, Kobayashi I, Ariga T, Tsuchiya S, Kure S. Selective expansion of donor-derived regulatory T cells after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation in a patient with IPEX syndrome. Pediatr Transplant 2014; 18: E25-30.
  5. Shiba N, Ohki K, Park MJ, Sotomatsu M, Kudo K, Ito E, Sako M, Arakawa H, Hayashi Y. SETBP1 mutations in juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia and myelodysplastic syndrome but not in paediatric acute myeloid leukaemia. Br J Haematol 2014; 164: 156-9.
  6. Katayama K, Asano K, Ohkuma H, Terui K, Sasaki S, Sato T, Ito E, Komori T. A case of pediatric optic pathway oligodendroglioma presenting widespread invasion and dissemination in the cerebrospinal fluid. Brain Tumor Pathol 2014; 31: 208-14.
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  8. Aizawa T, Imaizumi T, Tsuruga K, Watanabe S, Chiba Y, Matsumiya T, Yoshida H, Tanaka H. Mizoribine selectively attenuates monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 production in cultured human glomerular mesangial cell: A possible benefit of its use in the treatment of lupus nephritis. Nephrology (Carlton) 2014; 19: 47-52.
  9. Hirose C, Aizawa T, Watanabe S, Tsuruga K, Ito E, Tanaka H. Efficacy of long-term multidrug therapy in a patient with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Pediatr Int 2014; 56: 129-130.
  10. Tanaka H, Aizawa T, Watanabe S, Oki E, Tsuruga K, Imaizumi T. Efficacy of mizoribine-tacrolimus-based induction therapy for pediatric lupus nephritis. Lupus 2014; 23: 813-818.
  11. Imaizumi T, Aizawa T, Hayakari R, Xing F, Meng P, Tsuruga K, Matsumiya T, Yoshida H, Wang L, Tatsuta T, Tanaka H. Tumor necrosis factor-α synergistically enhances polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid-induced toll-like receptor 3 signaling in cultured normal human mesangial cells: possible involvement in the pathogenesis of lupus nephritis. Clin Exp Nephrol DOI: 10.1007/s10157-014-0956-3
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  13. Ryuichi Hirano, Yuichi Sakamoto, Naoki Tachibana and Motoki Ohnishi. Retrospective analysisi of the risk factors for linezolid-induced thrombocytopenia in adult Japanese patients. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2014; 36:795-799.
  14. Koh K, Tomizawa D, Moriya Saito A, Watanabe T, Miyamura T, Hirayama M, Takahashi Y, Ogawa A, Kato K, Sugita K, Sato T, Deguchi T, Hayashi Y, Takita J, Takeshita Y, Tsurusawa M, Horibe K, Mizutani S, Ishii E. Early use of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for infants with MLL generearrangement-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Leukemia. 2014 Jun 3. doi: 10.1038/leu.2014.172.
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  17. Imaizumi T, Aizawa T, Segawa C, Shimada M, Tsuruga K, Kawaguchi S, Matsumiya T, Yoshida H, Joh K, Tanaka H. Toll-like receptor 3 signaling contributes to the expression of a neutrophil chemoattractant, CXCL1, in human mesangial cells. Clin Exp Nephrol. DOI: 10.1007/s10157-014-1060-4 (online ahead of print).
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  1. Yoshida K, Toki T, Okuno Y, Kanezaki R, Shiraishi Y, Sato-Otsubo A, Sanada M, Park MJ, Terui K, Suzuki H, Kon A, Nagata Y, Sato Y, Wang R, Shiba N, Chiba K, Tanaka H, Hama A, Muramatsu H, Hasegawa D, Nakamura K, Kanegane H, Tsukamoto K, Adachi S, Kawakami K, Kato K, Nishimura R, Izraeli S, Hayashi Y, Miyano S, Kojima S, Ito E, Ogawa S. The landscape of somatic mutations in Down syndrome-related myeloid disorders. Nat Genet 2013; 45: 1293-9.
  2. Coenen EA, Zwaan CM, Reinhardt D, Harrison CJ, Haas OA, de Haas V, Mihál V, De Moerloose B, Jeison M, Rubnitz JE, Tomizawa D, Johnston D, Alonzo TA, Hasle H, Auvrignon A, Dworzak M, Pession A, van der Velden VH, Swansbury J, Wong KF, Terui K, Savasan S, Winstanley M, Vaitkeviciene G, Zimmermann M, Pieters R, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM. Pediatric acute myeloid leukemia with t(8;16)(p11;p13), a distinct clinical and biological entity: a collaborative study by the International-Berlin-Frankfurt-Munster AML-study group. Blood 2013; 122: 2704-13.
  3. Tomizawa D, Tawa A, Watanabe T, Saito AM, Kudo K, Taga T, Iwamoto S, Shimada A, Terui K, Moritake H, Kinoshita A, Takahashi H, Nakayama H, Koh K, Kigasawa H, Kosaka Y, Miyachi H, Horibe K, Nakahata T, Adachi S. Excess treatment reduction including anthracyclines results in higher incidence of relapse in core binding factor acute myeloid leukemia in children. Leukemia 2013; 12: 2413-6.
  4. Tomizawa D, Tawa A, Watanabe T, Saito AM, Kudo K, Taga T, Iwamoto S, Shimada A, Terui K, Moritake H, Kinoshita A, Takahashi H, Nakayama H, Kiyokawa N, Isoyama K, Mizutani S, Hara J, Horibe K, Nakahata T, Adachi S. Appropriate dose reduction in induction therapy is essential for the treatment of infants with acute myeloid leukemia: a report from the Japanese Pediatric Leukemia/Lymphoma Study Group. Int J Hematol 2013; 98: 578-88.
  5. Watanabe S, Aizawa-Yashiro T, Tsuruga K, Kinjo M, Ito E, Tanaka H. A young girl with refractory intestinal Behçet’s disease: A case report and review of literatures on pediatric cases who received an anti-tumor necrosis factor agent. Rheumatol Int 2013; 33: 3501-3503.
  6. Imaizumi T, Aizawa-Yashiro T, Watanabe S, Matsumiya T, Yoshida H, Tatsuta T, Xing F, Meng P, Hayakari R, Tsuruga K, Tanaka H. TLR4 signaling induces retinoic acid inducible gene-I and melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 in mesangial cells. J Nephrol 2013; 26: 886-893.
  7. Ikeda F, Aizawa-Yashiro T, Watanabe S, Tsuruga K, Ito E, Tanaka H. Single dose of rituximab for pediatric-onset refractory systemic lupus erythematosus. Lupus 2013; 22: 1541-1543.
  8. Watanabe S, Imaizumi T, Tsuruga K, Aizawa T, Ito T, Matsumiya T, Yoshida H, Joh K, Ito E, Tanaka H. Glomerular expression of myxovirus resistance protein 1 (Mx1) in human mesangial cells: possible activation of innate immunity in the pathogenesis of lupus nephritis. Nephrology (Carlton) 2013; 18: 833-837.
  9. Aizawa T, Imaizumi T, Tsuruga K, Watanabe S, Kumagai N, Yuki Chiba, Yoshida H, Ito E, Tanaka H. Urinary fractalkine and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 as possible predicators of disease activity of childhood glomerulonephritis. Tohoku J Exp Med 2013; 231: 265-270.
  10. Neunert CE, Buchanan GR, Imbach P, Bolton-Maggs PH, Bennett CM, Neufeld E, Vesely SK, Adix L, Blanchette VS, Kühne T; Intercontinental Cooperative ITP Study Group Registry II Participants. Bleeding manifestations and management of children with persistent and chronic immune thrombocytopenia: data from the Intercontinental Cooperative ITP Study Group (ICIS).Blood 2013; 121, 4457-4462. (Collaborators: Donato H, Kohan R, Rapetti MC, Downie P, Han P, Kirby M, Marks M, Saxon B, Tapp H, Uglova T, Kalev I, Kenderova V, Blanchette V, Eisenstat D, Israels S, Klaassen R, McCusker P, Silva M, Stobart K, Wu J, Yanofsky R, Culic S, Elalfy M, Claviez A, Göbel U, Janssen G, Müller H, Niemeyer C, Schulte-Overberg-Schmidt U, Weinspach S, Platokouki H, Koren A, Tamary H, Baronci C, Jankovic M, Kitazawa J, Miyata H, Mugishima H, Nakadate H, Shichino H, Kim HS, Farah R, Wrobel G, Petrov V, Pshenichnaya X, Wainwright L, Angst R, Auf der Maur D, Avoledo P, Baer W, Berger D, Brazzola P, Cremer M, Huegli N, Kühne T, Ozsahin H, Schärer S, Aydinok Y, Roberts I, O'Hea AM, Abdelmonem A, Bennett C, Buchanan G, Griffin T, Jeng MR, Kanvar V, Kirkpatrick G, Lockhart S, Lowe E, Michaels LA, Stout LA, Tancabelic J, Zimmerman S, Dokmanovic L.)
  11. Toki T, Kanezaki R, Kobayashi E, Kaneko H, Suzuki M, Wang R, Terui K, Kanegane H, Maeda M, Endo M, Mizuochi T, Adachi S, Hayashi Y, Yamamoto M, Shimizu R, Ito E. Naturally occurring oncogenic GATA1 mutants with internal deletions in transient abnormal myelopoiesis in Down syndrome. Blood 2013; 121: 3181-4.
  12. Saida S, Watanabe K, Sato-Otsubo A, Terui K, Yoshida K, Okuno Y, Toki T, Wang R, Shiraishi Y, Miyano S, Kato I, Morishima T, Fujino H, Umeda K, Hiramatsu H, Adachi S, Ito E, Ogawa S, Ito M, Nakahata T, Heike T. Clonal selection in xenografted TAM recapitulates the evolutionary process of myeloid leukemia in Down syndrome. Blood 2013; 121: 4377-87.
  13. Ohba R, Furuyama K, Yoshida K, Fujiwara T, Fukuhara N, Onishi Y, Manabe A, Ito E, Ozawa K, Kojima S, Ogawa S, Harigae H. Clinical and genetic characteristics of congenital sideroblastic anemia: comparison with myelodysplastic syndrome with ring sideroblast (MDS-RS). Ann Hematol. 2013; 92(1): 1-9.
  14. Takata K, Sato Y, Nakamura N, Tokunaka M, Miki Y, Yukie Kikuti Y, Igarashi K, Ito E, Harigae H, Kato S, Hayashi E, Oka T, Hoshii Y, Tari A, Okada H, Mohamad AA, Maeda Y, Tanimoto M, Kinoshita T, Yoshino T. Duodenal follicular lymphoma lacks AID but expresses BACH2 and has memory B-cell characteristics. Mod Pathol. 2013; 26(8):1152.
  15. Nagai K, Ochi F, Terui K, Maeda M, Ohga S, Kanegane H, Kitoh T, Kogawa K, Suzuki N, Ohta S, Ishida Y, Okamura T, Wakiguchi H, Yasukawa M, Ishii E. Clinical characteristics and outcomes of chédiak-Higashi syndrome: A nationwide survey of Japan. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2013; 60: 1582-6.
  16. Sato J, Shimamura N, Naraoka M, Terui K, Asano K, Itou E, Ohkuma H. Long-term tumor-free survival case of congenital embryonal tumor with various pathological components. Childs Nerv Syst 2013; 29: 921-6.
  17. Sasaki S, Kamio T, Kudo K, Sato T, Tono C, Takahashi Y, Terui K, Ito E. Hypercalcemia following umbilical cord blood transplantation to correct osteopetrosis associated with the NEMO mutation. Hirosaki Medical J. 2013; 64 (Suppl.): S86-S89.
  18. Nakamura T, Tsuruga K, Watanabe S, Ito E, Joh K, Tanaka H. Persistent immature glomeruli in a girl with refractory nephrotic syndrome. Nephrology (Carlton) 2013; 18: 77-78.
  19. Aizawa-Yashiro T, Imaizumi T, Tsuruga K, Watanabe S, Matsumiya T, Hayakari R, Yoshida H, Satoh K, Ito E, Tanaka H. Glomerular expression of fractalkine is induced by polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid in human mesangial cells: possible involvement of fractalkine after viral infection. Pediatr Res 2013; 73: 180-186.
  20. Watanabe S, Aizawa-Yashiro T, Tsuruga K, Kinjo M, Ito E, Tanaka H. A young girl with refractory intestinal Behçet’s disease: A case report and review of literatures on pediatric cases who received an anti-tumor necrosis factor agent. Rheumatol Int DOI: 10.1007/s00296-012-2628-5186
  21. Imaizumi T, Aizawa-Yashiro T, Matsumiya T, Yoshida H, Watanabe S, Tsuruga K, Tatsuta T, Xing F, Hayakari R, Meng P, Tanaka H. Interaction between interferon-stimulated gene 56 and melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 in toll-like receptor 3 signaling in normal human mesangial cells. Am J Nephrol 2013; 37: 118-125.
  22. Tanaka H, Imaizumi T. Toll-like receptor 3 and retinoic acid-inducible gene-I implicated to the pathogenesis of autoimmune renal diseases. In: Genes and Autoimmunity – Intracellular signaling and microbiome contribution. Stanilova SA Eds. pp.59-74, InTec Open Access Publisher, Rijeka, Croatia, 2013.
  23. Chiba N, Watanabe S, Aizawa-Yashiro T, Tsuruga K, Ito E, Oda T, Joh K, Tanaka H. Severe post-streptococcal acute glomerulonephritis and periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, and cervical adenitis syndrome. Pediatr Int 2013; 55: 259-261.
  24. Imaizumi T, Aizawa T, Tanaka H, Sato F, Xing F, Matsumiya T, Yoshida H, Sato K. Innate immune reactions against RNA viruses in renal mesangial cells. Hirosaki Med J 2013; 64 (Suppl): S70-S73.
  25. Tanaka H, Imaizumi T. Inflammatory chemokine expression via toll-like receptor 3 signaling in normal human mesangial cells. Clin Dev Immunol 2013; 2013: 984708.
  26. Imaizumi T, Aizawa-Yashiro T, Watanabe S, Matsumiya T, Yoshida H, Tatsuta T, Xing F, Meng P, Hayakari R, Tsuruga K, Tanaka H. TLR4 signaling induces retinoic acid inducible gene-I and melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 in mesangial cells. J Nephrol DOI: 10.5301/jn.5000254
  27. Ikeda F, Aizawa-Yashiro T, Watanabe S, Tsuruga K, Tanaka H. Single dose of rituximab for pediatric-onset refractory systemic lupus erythematosus. Lupus DOI: 10.1177/ 0961203313502111
  28. Watanabe S, Imaizumi T, Tsuruga K, Aizawa T, Ito T, Matsumiya T, Yoshida H, Joh K, Ito E, Tanaka H. Glomerular expression of myxovirus resistance protein 1 (Mx1) in human mesangial cells: possible activation of innate immunity in the pathogenesis of lupus nephritis. Nephrology (Carlton) 2013; 18:
  29. Odaka C, Kato H, Otsubo H, Takamoto S, Okada Y, Taneichi M, Okuma K, Sagawa K, Hoshi Y, Tasaki T, Fujii Y, Yonemura Y, Iwao N, Tanaka A, Okazaki H, Momose SY, Kitazawa J, Mori H, Matsushita A, Nomura H, Yasoshima H, Ohkusa Y, Yamaguchi K, Hamaguchi I.: Online reporting system for transfusion-related adverse events to enhance recipient haemovigilance in Japan: a pilot study. Transfusion and Apheresis Science, 48:95-102, 2013


  1. Takahashi Y, Muramatsu H, Sakata N, Hyakuna N, Hamamoto K, Kobayashi R, Ito E, Yagasaki H, Ohara A, Kikuchi A, Morimoto A, Yabe H, Kudo K, Watanabe K, Ohga S, Kojima S. Rabbit antithymocyte globulin and cyclosporine as first-line therapy for children with acquired aplastic anemia. Blood 2012;121(5):862-3.
  2. Imamura T, Iwamoto S, Kanai R, Shimada A, Terui K, Osugi Y, Kobayashi R, Tawa A, Kosaka Y, Kato K, Hori H, Horibe K, Oda M, Adachi S; Japan Association of Childhood Leukaemia Study. Outcome in 146 patients with paediatric acute myeloid leukaemia treated according to the AML99 protocol in the period 2003-06 from the Japan Association of Childhood Leukaemia Study. Br J Haematol 2012; 159: 204-10.
  3. Taga T, Saito AM, Kudo K, Tomizawa D, Terui K, Moritake H, Kinoshita A, Iwamoto S, Nakayama H, Takahashi H, Tawa A, Shimada A, Taki T, Kigasawa H, Koh K, Adachi S. Clinical characteristics and outcome of refractory/relapsed myeloid leukemia in children with Down syndrome. Blood 2012; 120: 1810-5.
  4. Aizawa-Yashiro T, Tsuruga K, Watanabe S, Echizenya T, Ito E, Tanaka H. Long-term multidrug therapy in an adolescent patient with proliferative lupus nephritis: a trial of less cytotoxic therapy. Clin Nephrol 2012; 78: 332-334
  5. Tanaka H, Tsuruga K, Watanabe S, Aizawa-Yashiro T, Imaizumi R. Treatment of young patients with lupus nephritis using calcineurin inhibitors. W J Nephrol 2012; 1: 177-183.
  6. Tanaka H, Watanabe S, Aizawa-Yashiro T, Oki E, Kumagai N, Tsuruga K, Ito E. Long-term tacrolimus-based immunosuppressive treatment for young patients with lupus nephritis: a prospective study in daily clinical practice. Nephron Clin Pract 2012; 121: c165-c173.
  7. Kuramitsu M, Sato-Otsubo A, Morio T, Takagi M, Toki T, Terui K, Wang R, Kanno H, Ohga S, Ohara A, Kojima S, Kitoh T, Goi K, Kudo K, Matsubayashi T, Mizue N, Ozeki M, Masumi A, Momose H, Takizawa K, Mizukami T, Yamaguchi K, Ogawa S, Ito E, Hamaguchi I. Extensive gene deletions in Japanese patients with Diamond-Blackfan anemia. Blood 2012; 119: 2376-2384.
  8. Yokoyama T, Toki T, Aoki Y, Kanezaki R, Park MJ, Kanno Y, Takahara T, Yamazaki Y, Ito E, Hayashi Y, Nakamura T. Identification of TRIB1 R107L gain-of-function mutation in human acute megakaryocytic leukemia. Blood 2012; 119: 2608-2611.
  9. Kawai T, Nishikomori R, Izawa K, Murata Y, Tanaka N, Sakai H, Saito M, Yasumi T, Takaoka Y, Nakahata T, Mizukami T, Nunoi H, Kiyohara Y, Yoden A, Murata T, Sasaki S, Ito E, Akutagawa H, Kawai T, Imai C, Okada S, Kobayashi M, Heike T. Frequent somatic mosaicism of NEMO in T cells of patients with X-linked anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia with immunodeficiency. Blood 2012; 119: 5458-5466.
  10. Yazaki M, Kamei M, Ito Y, Konno Y, Wang R, Toki T, Ito E. A novel mutation of ribosomal protein S10 gene in a Japanese patient with diamond-Blackfan anemia. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2012; 34: 293-295.
  11. Kanegane H, Yang X, Zhao M, Yamato K, Inoue M, Hamamoto K, Kobayashi C, Hosono A, Ito Y, Nakazawa Y, Terui K, Kogawa K, Ishii E, Sumazaki R, Miyawaki T. Clinical features and outcome of X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome type 1 (SAP deficiency) in Japan identified by the combination of flow cytometric assay and genetic analysis. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2012; 23: 488-493.
  12. Takata K, Sato Y, Nakamura N, Tokunaka M, Miki Y, Yukie Kikuti Y, Igarashi K, Ito E, Harigae H, Kato S, Hayashi E, Oka T, Hoshii Y, Tari A, Okada H, Mohamad AA, Maeda Y, Tanimoto M, Kinoshita T, Yoshino T. Duodenal follicular lymphoma lacks AID but expresses BACH2 and has memory B-cell characteristics. Mod Pathol. 2012 Aug 17. doi: 10.1038/modpathol.2012.127.
  13. Watanabe S, Tsuruga K, Aizawa-Yashiro T, Oki E, Ito E, Tanaka H. Addition of mizoribine to the prednisolone plus tacrolimus treatment regimen in a patient with lupus flare. Rheumatol Int 2012; 32: 1099-1100.
  14. Aizawa-Yashiro T, Oki E, Tsuruga K, Nakahata T, Ito E, Tanaka H. Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy leading to dramatic improvement in a patient with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis and severe pericarditis resistant to steroid pulse therapy. Rheumatol Int 2012; 32: 1359-1361.
  15. Nakamura T, Tsuruga K, Watanabe S, Ito E, Joh K, Tanaka H. Persistent immature glomeruli in a girl with refractory nephrotic syndrome. Nephrology (Carlton) 2012; 17: (in press).
  16. Imaizumi T, Aizawa-Yashiro T, Tsuruga K, Tanaka H, Matsumiya T, Yoshida H, Tatsuta T, Xing F, Hayakari R, Satoh K. Melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 regulates the expression of a chemokine CXCL10 in human mesangial cells: implications for chronic inflammatory renal diseases. Tohoku J Exp Med 2012; 228: 17-26.
  17. Uyeda T, Echizenya T, Eto S, Ohtani K, Sato T, Takahashi T, Ito E, Yonesaka S, Kunishima S. Adams-Oliver syndrome and familial MYH9 mutation. Pediatrics International 2012; 54: 407-409
  18. K E. Nollet, J Kitazawa, T Kanno, H Ohto, SOP : Standard Operating Procedure, or Save Our PatientCBBS Today XXX No.1, 2012
  19. Osamu Nomura, Akira Ishiguro, et al. Antibiotic Administration Can Be an Independent Risk Factor for Therapeutic Delay of Pediatric Acute Appendicitis. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2012;28:791-5.


  1. Tanaka H, Imaizumi T. Treatment of pediatric-onset lupus nephritis: New option of less cytotoxic immunosuppressive therapy. In Autoimmune Disorders: Current concepts & advances from bedside to mechanistic insights. Fang-Ping Huang Eds. pp.275- 288, InTec Open Access Publisher, Rijeka, Croatia, 2011.
  2. Tanaka H, Tsuruga K, Watanabe S, Aizawa-Yashiro T, Chiba-Fukada N, Ito E. Tacrolimus monotherapy in a patient with lupus flare using once-daily administration protocol. NDT plus 2011; 4: 363-365.
  3. Kobayashi I, Kubota M, Yamada M, Tanaka H, Itoh S, Sasahara Y, Whitesell L, Ariga T. Autoantibodies to villin occur frequently in IPEX, a severe immune dysregulation, syndrome caused by mutation of FOXP3. Clin Immunol 2011; 140: 83-89.
  4. Tsuruga K, Watanabe S, Oki E, Aizawa-Yashiro T, Yoshida H, Imaizumi T, Ito E, Tanaka H. Imbalance towards Th1 pathway predominance in purpura nephritis with proteinuria. Pediatr Nephrol 2011; 26: 2253-2258.
  5. Imaizumi T, Tanaka H, Uesato R, Tsugawa K, Matsumiya T, Yoshida H, Ishibashi Y, Satoh K. Involvement of retinoic acid-inducible gene-I (RIG-I) in rheumatoid arthritis and lupus nephritis. Hirosaki Med J 2011; 62 (Suppl.): S46-S49.
  6. Kamio T, Ito E, Ohara A, Kosaka Y, Tsuchida M, Yagasaki H, Mugishima H, Yabe H, Morimoto A, Ohga S, Muramatsu H, Hama A, Kaneko T, Nagasawa M, Kikuta A, Osugi Y, Bessho F, Nakahata T, Tsukimoto I, Kojima S; Japan Childhood Aplastic Anemia Study Group. Relapse of aplastic anemia in children after immunosuppressive therapy: a report from the Japan Childhood Aplastic Anemia Study Group. Haematologica 2011; 96: 814-819.
  7. Kudo K, Terui K, Sasaki S, Kamio T, Sato T, Ito E. Voriconazole for both successful treatment of disseminated Trichosporon asahii infection and subsequent cord blood transplantation in an infant with acute myelogenous leukemia. Bone Marrow Transplant 2011; 46: 310-311.
  8. Kudo K, Terui K, Sasaki S, Kamio T, Sato T, Ito E. CD7-positive acute myelomonocytic leukemia with trisomy 21 as a sole acquired chromosomal abnormality in two adolescents. Leuk Res 2011; 35: e167-168.
  9. Zhao M, Kanegane H, Kobayashi C, Nakazawa Y, Ishii E, Kasai M, Terui K, Gocho Y, Imai K, Kiyasu J, Nonoyama S, Miyawaki T. Early and rapid detection of X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome with SH2D1A mutations by flow cytometry. Cytometry B Clin Cytom 2011; 80: 8-13.
  10. Kato K, Yoshimi A, Ito E, Oki K, Hara J, Nagatoshi Y, Kikuchi A, Kobayashi R, Nagamura-Inoue T, Kai S, Azuma H, Takanashi M, Isoyama K, Kato S; for the Japan Cord Blood Bank Network. Cord Blood Transplantation from Unrelated Donors for Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Japan: The Impact of Methotrexate on Clinical Outcomes. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2011. [Epub ahead of print]
  11. Watanabe S, Aizawa-Yashiro T, Tsuruga K, Takahashi T, Ito E, Tanaka H. Successful multidrug treatment of a pediatric patient with severe churg-strauss syndrome refractory to prednisolone. Yohoku J Exp Med 2011; 225: 117-121.
  12. Tsuruga K, Watanabe S, Oki E, Aizawa-Yashiro T, Yoshida H, Imaizumi T, Ito E, Tanaka H. Imbalance towards Th1 pathway predominance in purpura nephritis with proteinuria. Pediatr Nephrol 2011; 26: DOI: 10.1007/s00467-011-1996-5 (onlien version).
  13. Tanaka H, Imaizumi T. Treatment of pediatric-onset lupus nephritis: A new option of less cytotoxic immunosuppressive therapy. In Autoimmune Disorders: Current concepts & advances from bedside to mechanistic insights. Edited by Fang-Ping Huang. InTec Open Access Publisher, Rijeka, Croatia, 2011 (in press).
  14. Imaizumi T, Tanaka H, Mechti N, Matsumiya T, Yoshida H, Aizawa-Yashiro T, Tsuruga K, Hayakari R, Satoh K. Polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid induces the expression of interferon-stimulated gene 20 in mesangial cells. Nephron Exp Nephrol 2011; 119: e40-e48.
  15. Tanaka H, Tsuruga K, Watanabe S, Aizawa-Yashiro T, Chiba-Fukada N, Ito E. Tacrolimus monotherapy in a patient with lupus flare using once-daily administration protocol. NDT plus DOI: 10.1093/ndtplus/sfr089 (online version).
  16. Kobayashi I, Kubota M, Yamada M, Tanaka H, Itoh S, Sasahara Y, Whitesell L, Ariga T. Autoantibodies to villin occur frequently in IPEX, a severe immune dysregulation, syndrome caused by mutation of FOXP3. Clin Immunol DOI: 10.1016/j.clim.2011.05.010 (online version).
  17. Tanaka H, Tsuruga K, Imaizumi T. Retinoic acid-inducible gene-I (RIG-I) and glomerular diseases: possible involvement of RIG-I in the glomerular inflammatory reaction. Res Adv Nephrol Dial Transplant 2011; 1: 1-8.
  18. Aizawa-Yashiro T, Tsuruga K, Watanabe S, Oki E, Ito E, Tanaka H. Novel multidrug therapy for children with cyclosporine-resistant or -intolerant nephrotic syndrome. Pediatr Nephrol 2011; 26: 1255-1261.
  19. Watanabe S, Tsuruga K, Aizawa-Yashiro T, Oki E, Ito E, Tanaka H. Addition of mizoribine to the prednisolone plus tacrolimus treatment regimen in a patient with lupus flare. Rheumatol Int DOI: 10.1007/s00296-011-1858-2 (online version).
  20. Imaizumi T, Sato F, Tanaka H, Matsumiya T, Yoshida H, Aizawa-Yashiro T, Tsuruga K, Hayakari R, Kijima H, Sato K. Basic-helix-loop-helix transcription factor DEC2 constitutes negative feedback loop in IFN-γ-mediated inflammatory responses in human mesangial cells. Immunol Lett 2011; 136: 37-43.
  21. Kitazawa J, Nollet K, Morioka H, Tanaka K, Inomata M, Kubuki Y, Ohto H. Non-D Rh antibodies appearing after apheresis platelet transfusion: stimulation by red cells or microparticles? Vox Sang. 2011; 100: 395 -400.


  1. Kanezaki R, Toki T, Terui K, Xu G, Wang R, Shimada A, Hama A, Kanegane H, Kawakami K, Endo M, Hasegawa D, Kogawa K, Adachi S, Ikeda Y, Iwamoto S, Taga T, Kosaka Y, Kojima S, Hayashi Y, Ito E. Down syndrome and GATA1 mutations in transient abnormal myeloproliferative disorder: mutation classes correlate with progression to myeloid leukemia. Blood 2010; 116: 4631-4638.
  2. Ito E, Konno Y, Toki T, Terui K. Molecular pathogenesis in Diamond-Blackfan anemia. Int J Hematol 2010; 92: 413-418.
  3. Taketani T, Taki T, Nakamura T, Kobayashi Y, Ito E, Fukuda S, Yamaguchi S, Hayashi Y. High frequencies of simultaneous FLT3-ITD, WT1, and KIT mutations in hematologic malignancies with NUP98-fusion genes. Leukemia 2010; 24(11): 1975-7.
  4. Matsuda K, Sakashita K, Taira C, Tanaka-Yanagisawa M, Yanagisawa R, Shiohara M, Kanegane H, Hasegawa D, Kawasaki K, Endo M, Yajima S, Sasaki S, Kato K, Koike K, Kikuchi A, Ogawa A, Watanabe A, Sotomatsu M, Nonoyama S, Koike K. Quantitative assessment of PTPN11 or RAS mutations at the neonatal period and during the clinical course in patients with juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia. Br J Haematol. 2010; 148(4): 593-9.
  5. Terui K, Takahashi Y, Sasaki S, Kudo K, Kamio T, Ito E. Guillain-Barré syndrome mimicking acute methotrexate-associated encephalopathy in an adolescent patient with lymphoblastic lymphoma. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2010; 32: 615-616.
  6. Tsujimura A, Kiyoi H, Shiotsu Y, Ishikawa Y, Mori Y, Ishida H, Toki T, Ito E, Naoe T. Selective KIT inhibitor KI-328 and HSP90 inhibitor show different potency against the type of KIT mutations recurrently identified in acute myeloid leukemia. Int J Hematol 2010; 92: 624-633.
  7. Yonesaka S, Takahashi T, Eto S, Sato T, Otani K, Ueda T, Sato A, Kitagawa Y, Konno Y, Kinjo M. Biopsy-proven myocardial sequels in Kawasaki disease with giant coronary aneurysms. Cardiol young 2010; 20: 602-609.
  8. Imaizumi T, Tanaka H, Tajima A, Yokono Y, Matsumiya T, Yoshida H, Tsuruga K, Aizawa-Yashiro T, Inoue I, Ito E, Satoh K. IFN-γ and TNF-α synergistically induce microRNA-155 which regulates TAB2/IP-10 expression in human mesangial cells. Am J Nephrol 2010; 32: 462-468.
  9. Tanaka H. Efficacy and safety of tacrolimus in 101 consecutive patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A possible alternative treatment to methotrexateInt J Clin Rheumatol 2010; 5: 519-521.
  10. Imaizumi T, Tanaka H, Matsumiya T, Yoshida H, Tanji K, Tsuruga K, Oki E, Aizawa-Yashiro T, Ito E, Satoh K. Retinoic acid-inducible gene-I is induced by double-stranded RNA and regulates the expression of CC chemokine ligand (CCL) 5 in human mesangial cells. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2010; 25: 3534-3539.
  11. Tsuruga K, Oki E, Yashiro T, Ito E, Tanaka H. Efficacy of mizoribine for steroid-resistant membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis type III. Nephrology (Carlton) 2010; 15: 720-722.
  12. Konno Y, Toki T, Tandai S, Xu G, Wang R, Terui K, Ohga S, Hara T, Hama A, Kojima S, Hasegawa D, Kosaka Y, Yanagisawa R, Koike K, Kanai R, Imai T, Hongo T, Park MJ, Sugita K, Ito E. Mutations in the ribosomal protein genes in Japanese patients with Diamond-Blackfan anemia. Haematologica 2010 ; 95 : 1293-1299.
  13. Yamashita Y, Yuan J, Suetake I, Suzuki H, Ishikawa Y, Choi YL, Ueno T, Soda M, Hamada T, Haruta H, Takada S, Miyazaki Y, Kiyoi H, Ito E, Naoe T, Tomonaga M, Toyota M, Tajima S, Iwama A, Mano H. Array-based genomic resequencing of human leukemia. Oncogene 2010 ; 29 : 3723-3731.
  14. Aikawa Y, Katsumoto T, Zhang P, Shima H, Shino M, Terui K, Ito E, Ohno H, Stanley ER, Singh H, Tenen DG, Kitabayashi I. PU.1-mediated upregulation of CSF1R is crucial for leukemia stem cell potential induced by MOZ-TIF2. Nat Med 2010 ; 16 : 580-585.
  15. Shiba N, Kato M, Park MJ, Sanada M, Ito E, Fukushima K, Sako M, Arakawa H, Ogawa S, Hayashi Y. CBL mutations in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia and pediatric myelodysplastic syndrome. Leukemia 2010 ; 24 : 1090-1092.
  16. Suzuki K, Oki E, Tsuruga K, Aizawa-Yashiro T, Ito E, Tanaka H. Benefits of once-daily administration of cyclosporine A for children with steroid-dependent, relapsing nephrotic syndrome. Tohoku J Exp Med 2010 ; 220 : 183-186.
  17. Imaizumi T, Tanaka H, Tajima A, Tsuruga K, Oki E, Sashinami H, Matsumiya T, Yoshida H, Inoue I, Ito E. Retinoic acid-inducible gene-I (RIG-I) is induced by IFN-γ in human mesangial cells in culture: possible involvement of RIG-I in the inflammation in lupus nephritis. Lupus 2010 ; 19 : 830-836.
  18. Tanaka H, Oki E, Tsuruga K, Oki E, Aizawa-Yashiro T, Ito Y, Sato N, Kawasaki Y, Suzuki J. Mizoribine attenuates renal injury and macrophage infiltration in patients with severe lupus nephritis. Clin Rheumatol 2010 ; 29 : 1049-1054.
  19. Imaizumi T, Tanaka H, Matsumiya T, Yoshida H, Tanji K, Tsuruga K, Oki E, Aizawa-Yashiro T, Ito E, Satoh K. Retinoic acid-inducible gene-I is induced by double-stranded RNA and regulates the expression of CC chemokine ligand (CCL) 5 in human mesangial cells. Nephrol Dial Transplant DOI: 10.1093/ndt/gfq270 (online version).
  20. Aizawa-Yashiro T, Oki E, Tsuruga K, Nakahata T, Ito E, Tanaka H. Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy leading to dramatic improvement in a patient with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis and severe pericarditis resistant to steroid pulse therapy. Rheumatol Int DOI: 10.1007/s00296-010-1413-6 (online version).
  21. Tsuruga K, Oki E, Aizawa-Yashiro T, Yoshida H, Imaizumi T, Tanaka H. Potential Th1/Th2 predominance in children with newly diagnosed IgA nephropathy. Acta Paediatr 2010 ; 99 : 1584-1586.
  22. Tsuruga K, Oki E, Yashiro T, Fujita H, Shinagawa T, Ito E, Tanaka H. Anti-inflammatory treatment for postdiarrheal hemolytic-uremic syndrome with CNS involvement. Nephrology (Carlton) 2010 ; 15 : 659-660.
  23. Tsuruga K, Oki E, Yashiro T, Ito E, Tanaka H. Efficacy of mizoribine for steroid-resistant membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis type III. Nephrology (Carlton) 2010 ; 15 : (in press).
  24. Shikama Y, Kitazawa J, Yagihashi N, Uehara O, Murata Y, Yajima N, Wada R, Yagihashi S. Localized amyloidosis at the site of repeated insulin injection in a diabetic patient. Intern Med 2010 ; 49 : 397-401.
  25. Ohto H, Ishii T, Kitazawa J, Sugiyama S, Ujiie N, Fujimori K, Ariga H, Satoh T, Nollet KE, Okamoto H, Hoshi T.  Declining hepatitis C virus (HCV) prevalence in pregnant women: impact of anti-HCV screening of donated blood. Transfusion 2010 ; 50 : 693-700.


  1. Hirono K, Miura M, Kanegane H, Miyamoto M, Yoshimura N, Ichida F, Ito E, Miyawaki T. Hepatocyte growth factor in transient myeloproliferative disorder of Down syndrome. Pediatr Int 2009 ; 51 : 754-755.
  2. Minakawa S, Takeda H, Nakano H, Tono C, Takahashi Y, Sasaki S, Terui K, Ito E, Sawamura D. Successful umbilical cord blood transplantation for intractable eczematous eruption in hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia with immunodeficiency. Clin Exp Dermatol 2009 ; 34 : e441-442.
  3. Tanaka H, Oki E, Tsuruga K, Yashiro T, Hanada I, Ito E. Management of young patients with lupus nephritis using tacrolimus administered as a single daily dose. Clin Nephrol 2009 ; 72 : 430-436.
  4. Toki T, Kanezaki R, Adachi S, Fujino H, Xu G, Sato T, Suzuki K, Tauchi H, Endo M, Ito E. The key role of stem cell factor/KIT signaling in the proliferation of blast cells from Down syndrome-related leukemia. Leukemia. 2009; 23: 95-103.
  5. Monzen S, Takahashi K, Toki T, Ito E, Sakurai T, Miyakoshi J, Kashiwakura I. Exposure to a MRI-type high-strength static magnetic field stimulates megakaryocytic/erythroid hematopoiesis in CD34+ cells from human placental and umbilical cord blood. Bioelectromagnetics. 2009; 30: 280-285.
  6. Oda M, Isoyama K, Ito E, Inoue M, Tsuchida M, Kigasawa H, Kato K, Kato S. Survival after cord blood transplantation from unrelated donor as a second hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for recurrent pediatric acute myeloid leukemia. Int J Hematol. 2009;89:374-82.
  7. Iida A, Inagaki K, Miyazaki A, Yonemori F, Ito E, Igarashi K. Bach1 deficiency ameliorates hepatic injury in a mouse model. Tohoku J Exp Med. 2009; 217: 223-229.
  8. Oki E, Tsuruga K, Kudo M, Tsugawa K, Suzuki K, Tanaka H. A novel multidrug therapy for difficult cyclosporine-resistant focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Pediatr Nephrol 2009; 24: 773-775
  9. Tsuruga K, Hanada I, Oki E, Suzuki K, Ito E, Echizenya T, Tanaka H. A pediatric case of severe proteinuric purpura nephritis with predominantly subepithelial IgA deposits. Clin Nephrol 2009; 71: 725-726.
  10. Tsuruga K, Oki E, Yashiro T, Ito E, Tanaka H. Use of recombinant human serum albumin in pediatric patients with nephrotic syndrome. Pediatr Nephrol (online version) DOI 10.1007/s00467-009-1221-y.
  11. Tanaka H, Oki E, Tsuruga K, Yashiro T, Hanada I, Ito E. Management of young patients with lupus nephritis using tacrolimus administered as a single daily dose. Clin Nephrol 2009; 72: (in press).
  12. Suzuki K, Tsugawa K, Oki E, Aita K, Endo M, Waga S, Ito E, Tanaka H. Dense deposit disease presenting as endocapillary proliferative nephritis. Pediatr Int 2009; 51: (in press).
  13. Shirahata A, Fujisawa K, Ishii E, Ohta S, Sako M, Takahashi Y, Taki M, Mimaya J, Kubota M, Miura T, Kitazawa J, Kajiwara M, Bessho F. A nationwide survey of newly diagnosed childhood idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura in Japan. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2009; 31:27-32.


  1. Terui K, Sato T, Sasaki S, Kudo K, Kamio T, Ito E. Two novel variants of MOZ-CBP fusion transcripts in spontaneously remitted infant leukemia with t(1;16;8)(p13;p13;p11), a new variant of t(8;16)(p11;p13). Haematologica. 2008 ; 93 : 1591-1593.
  2. Nara M, Toyoki Y, Hakamada K, Narumi S, Ishido K, Sugai M, Munakata H, Ito E, Sasaki M. Living donor liver transplantation for a child with recurrent pediatric adult-type hepatocellular carcinoma. Transplant Proc. 2008; 40: 2828-2829.
  3. Tanaka H, Oki E, Tsuruga K, Sato N, Matsukura H, Matsunaga A, Kondo Y, Suzuki J. Mizoribine treatment of young patients with severe lupus nephritis: A clinicopathologic study by the Tohoku Pediatric Study Group. Nephron Clin Pract 2008; 110: c73-c79.
  4. Oki E, Tsuruga K, Tsugawa K, Suzuki K, Shinagawa T, Nakahata T, Ito E, Tanaka H. Alternative treatment for systemic involvement in a child with postdiarrheal hemolytic-uremic syndrome. Clin Nephrol 2008; 70: 354-356.
  5. Sato T, Toki T, Kanezaki R, Xu G, Terui K, Kanegane H, Miura M, Adachi S, Migita M, Morinaga S, Nakano T, Endo M, Kojima S, Kiyoi H, Mano H, Ito E. Functional analysis of JAK3 mutations in transient myeloproliferative disorder and acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia accompanying Down syndrome. Br J Haematol 2008 ; 141(5) : 681-8.
  6. Kitamura H, Kaneko T, Nakano H, Terui K, Ito E, Sawamura D. Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia presenting multiple painful erythematous lesions diagnosed as Sweet's syndrome. J Dermatol 2008 ; 35(6) : 368-70.
  7. Ogawa J, Kanegane H, Tsuneyama K, Kanezaki R, Futatani T, Nomura K, Ishizawa S, Sasahara M, Ito E, Miyawaki T. Platelet-derived growth factor may be associated with fibrosis in a Down syndrome patient with transient myeloproliferative disorder. Eur J Haematol 2008 ; 81(1) : 58-64.
  8. Tanaka H, Tsugawa K, Oki E, Suzuki K, Ito E. Mizoribine intermittent pulse therapy for induction therapy for systemic lupus erythematosus in children : an open-label pilot study with five newly diagnosed patients. Clin Rheumatol 2008 ; 27 : 85-89.
  9. Tsugawa K, Oki E, Suzuki K, Imaizumi T, Ito E, Tanaka H. Expression of mRNA for functional molecules in urinary sediment in glomerulonephritis. Pediatr Nephrol 2008 ; 23 : 395-401.
  10. Saito M, Nishikomori R, Kambe N, Fujisawa A, Tanizaki H, Takeichi K, Imagawa T, Iehara T, Takada H, Matsubayashi T, Tanaka H, Kawashima H, Kawakami K, Kagami S, Okafuji I, Yoshioka T, Adachi S, Heike T, Miyachi Y, Nakahata T. Disease-associated CLAS1 mutations induce monocyte death, revealing low-level mosaicism in mutation-negative cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome patients. Blood 2008 ; 111 : 2132-2141.
  11. Suzuki K, Tsugawa K, Oki E, Morio T, Ito E, Tanaka H. Vesical varices and telangiectasias in a patient with ataxia telangiectasia. Pediatr Nephrol 2008 ; 23 : 1005-1008.
  12. Oki E, Tsugawa K, Suzuki K, Ito E, Tanaka H. Leukocytapheresis for the treatment of refractory Henoch-Schonlein purpura resistant to both prednisolone and intravenous immunoglobulin therapy. Rheumatol Int2008 ; 28 : 823-824.
  13. Tanaka H, Oki E, Tsuruga K, Sato N, Matsukura H, Matsunaga A, Kondo Y, Suzuki J. Outcome of young patients with severe lupus nephritis treated with mizoribine pulse therapy combined with prednisolone : A clinicopathologic study by the Tohoku Pediatric Study Group. Nephron Clin Pract 2008 ; 110 : (in press).
  14. Oki E, Tsuruga K, Tsugawa K, Suzuki K, Shinagawa T, Nakahata T, Ito E, Tanaka H. Alternative treatment for systemic involvement in a child with postdiarrheal hemolytic-uremic syndrome. Clin Nephrol 2008 ; 70 : (in press).
  15. Yoshida S, Miyashita A, Kuwano R, Kojima T, Sasaki T, Zhu G, Kanai K, Fujita H, Hirose S, Kaneko S and Epilepsy Genetic Study Group. Genome-wide identification of febrile seizure and related epilepsy phenotype loci. Epilepsy & Seizure 2008 ; 1 : 30-39.
  16. Sato I, Wu S, Ibarra MC, Hayashi YK, Fujita H, Tojo M, Oh SJ, Nonaka I, Noguchi S, Nishino I. Congenital neuromuscular disease with uniform type 1 fiber and RYR1 mutation. Neurology 2008 ; 70(2) : 114-122.


  1. Kanegane H, Watanabe S, Nomura K, Xu G, Ito E, Miyawaki T. Distinct clones are associated with the development of transient myeloproliferative disorder and acute megakaryocytic leukemia in a patient with Down syndrome. Int J Hematol 2007 ; 86(3) : 250-2.
  2. Tono C, Takahashi Y, Terui K, Sasaki S, Kamio T, Tandai S, Sato T, Kudo K, Toki T, Tachibana N, Yoshioka T, Nakahata T, Morio T, Nishikomori R, and Ito E. Correction of immunodeficiency associated with NEMO mutation by umbilical cord blood transplantation using reduced-intensity conditioning regimen. Bone Marrow Transplantation 2007 ; 39 : 801-804.
  3. Narumi Y, Aoki Y, Niihori T, Neri G, Cave H, Verloes A, Nava C, Kavamura MI, Okamoto N, Kurosawa K, Hennekam RC, Wilson LC, Gillessen-Kaesbach G, Wieczorek D, Lapunzina P, Ohashi H., Makita Y, Kondo I, Tsuchiya S, Ito E, Sameshima K, Kato K, Kure S, andMatsubara Y. Molecular and clinical characterization of cardio-facio-cutaneous(CFC) syndrome : overlapping clinical manifestations with Costello syndrome. Am J Med Genet 2007 ; 143 : 799-807.
  4. Hatakeyama M, Imaizumi T, Sakaki H, Yoshida H, Tanaka H, Kimura H, Fukuda I, Satoh K. IL-1 induces the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in human pericardial mesothelial cell. Heart Vessels 2007 ; 22 : 123-127.
  5. Tanaka H, Tsugawa K, Nakahata T, Suzuki K, Ito E. Leukocytapheresis for the treatment of refractory systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Clin Rheumatol 2007 ; 26 : 1014-1016.
  6. Tanaka H, Oki Es, Tsugawa K, Suzuki K, Tsuruga K, Ito E. Long-term intermittent pluse therapy with mizoribine attenuates histologic progression in young patients with severe lupus nephritis : report of two patients. Nephrology 2007 ; 12 : 376-379.
  7. Suzuki k, Imaizumi T, Oki E, Tsugawa K, Ito E, Tanaka H. Expression of retinoic acid-inducible gene-1 in lupus nephritis. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2007 ; 22 : 2407-2409.
  8. Tanaka H, Tsugawa K, Oki E, Suzuki K, Waga S, Ito E. Long-term mizoribine intermittent pulse therapy, but not azathioprine therapy, attenuated histologic progression in a patient with severe lupus nephritis. Clin Nephrol 2007 ; 68 : 198-200.
  9. Tanaka H, Tsugawa K, Suzuki K, Oki Es, Nonaka K, Kimura S, Ito E. Treatment of difficult cases of systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis with tacrolimus. Eur J Pediatr 2007 ; 166 : 1053-1055.
  10. Tanaka H, Tsugawa K, Oki E, Suzuki K, Ito E. Mizoribine intermittent pulse therapy for induction therapy for systemic lupus erythematosus in children : an open-label pilot study with five newly diagnosed patients. Clin Rheumatol 2007 (online版) DOL 10.1007/s10067-007-0635-9.
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  12. Tanaka H, Oki E, Tsugawa K, Nonaka K, Suzuki K, Ito E. Effective treatment of young patients with pediatric-onset, long-standing lupus nephritis with tacrolimus given as a single daily dose : An open-label pilot study. Lupus 2007 ; 16 : 896-900.
  13. Fuchizawa T, Adachi Y, Ito Y, Higashiyama H, Kanegane H, Futatani T, Kobayashi I, Kamachi Y, Sakamoto T, Tsuge I, Tanaka H, Alison H, Banham AH, Ochs HD, Miyawaki T. Developmental changes of FOXP3-experssing CD⁴⁺ CD²⁵⁺ regulatory T cells and their impairment in patients with FOXP3 gene mutations. Clin Immunol 2007 ; 125 : 237-246.
  14. Kitazawa J, Ohtani K, Shiotani M, Satoh A, Sugimoto K, Nomura Y, Aoyama R. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura following measles-rubella-conjugated vaccine. Pediatr Int 2007 ; 49(5) : 688-9.


  1. Xu G, Kato K, Toki T, Takahashi Y, Terui K, and Ito E. Development of acute megakaryoblastic leukemia from a minor clone in a down syndrome patient with clinically overt transient myeloproliferative disorder. J pediatr Hematol Oncol 2006 ; 28 : 696-698.
  2. Kanezaki R, Toki T, Xu G, Narayanan R, Ito E. Cloning and Characterization of the Novel Chimeric Gene p53/FXR2 in the Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia Cell Line CMK11-5. Tohoku J Exp Med. 2006 ; 209(3) : 169-80.
  3. Xu G, Kanezaki R, Toki T, Watanabe S, Takahashi Y, Terui K, Kitabayashi I, and Ito E. Physical association of the patient-specific GATA1 mutans with RUNX1 in acute megakaryoblastic leukemia accompanying Downsyndrome. Leukemia 2006 ; 20 : 1002-1008.
  4. Nagayama J, Tomizawa D, Koh K, Nagatoshi Y, Hotta N., Kishimoto T, Takahashi Y, Kuno T, Sugita K, Sato T, Kato K, Ogawa A, Nakahata T, Mizutani S, Horibe K, Ishii E : Jaban Infant LeukemiaStudy Group. Infants with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and a germline MLL gene are highly curable with use of chemotherapy alone : results from the Japan Infant Leukemia Study Group. Blood 2006 ; 107 : 4663-5.
  5. Suzuki K, Tanaka H, Tsugawa K, Ito E. Effective treatment with cyclosporine A of a child with systemic lupus erythematosus resistant to cyclophosphamide pulse therapy. Tohoku J Exp Med 2006 ; 208 : 355-359.
  6. Tanaka H, Tsugawa K, Suzuki K, Ito E. Renal biopsy findings in children receiving long-term treatment with cyclosporine A given as a single daily dose. Tohoku J Exp Med 2006 ; 209 : 191-196.
  7. Tanaka H, Tsugawa K, Suzuki K, Nakahata T, Ito E. Long-term mizoribine intermittent pulse therapy for young patients with flare of lupus nephritis. Pediatr Nephrol 2006 ; 21 : 962-966.
  8. Nakahata T, Tsugawa K, Waga S, Tanaka H. Acute renal failure with encephalopathy following Salmonella enteritidis infection. Pediatr Nephrol 2006 ; 21 : 1209-1210.
  9. Tanaka H, Tsugawa K, Nakahata T, Suzuki K, Ito, E. Leukocytapheresis for the treatment of refractory systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Clin Rheumatol 2006, DOI : 10.1007/s10067-006-0256-8(online版).
  10. Suzuki K, Tsugawa K, Tanaka H. Tacrolimus for the treatment of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis resistant to cyclosporine A. Pediatr Nephrol 2006 DOI : 10.1007/s00467-006-0198-z(online版).
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  1. Toki T, Katsuoka F, Kanezaki R, Xu G, Kurotaki H, Sun J, Kamio T, Watanabe S, Tandai S, Terui K, Yagihashi S, Komatsu N, Igarashi K, Yamamoto M, Ito E. Transgenic expression of BACH 1 transcription factor results in megakaryocytic impairment. Blood 2005 ; 105 : 3100-3108.
  2. Tono C, Xu G, Toki T, Takahashi Y, Sasaki S, Terui K, Ito E. JAK 2 Val617Phe activating tyrosine kinase mutation in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia. Leukemia 2005 Aug 4(in press).
  3. Kitazawa J, Tono C, Terui K, Kinukawa N, Oda M, Isoyama K, Ishii E, Ito E, Japan Infant Leukemia Study Group. Successful outcome of mismatched hematopoietic stem cell transplantation from a related donor in an infant with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and 9 ; 11 translocation : cace report and review of the literature. Int J Haematol 2005 ; 81 : 428-432.
  4. Kawakami T, Mitsui T, Kanai M, Shirahata E, Sendo D, Kanno M, Noro M, Endoh M, Hama A, Tono C, Ito E, Tsuchiya S, Igarashi Y, Abukawa D, Hyasaka K. Genetic analysis of Shwachman-Diamond syndrome : phenotypic heterogeneity in patients carrying identical SBDS mutations. Tohoku J. Exp. Med 2005 ; 206 : 253-259.
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  6. Tanaka H, Tsugawa K, Nakahata T, Kudo M, Suzuki K, Ito E. Implication of the peak serum level of mizoribine for control of the serum anti-dsDNA antibody titer in patients with lupus nephritis. Clin Nephrol 2005 ; 63 : 417-422.
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  8. Tanaka H, Tsugawa K, Kudo M, Sugimoto K, Kobayashi I, Ito E. Lowdose cyclosporine A in a patient with X-linked immune dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy and enteropathy. Eur J Pediatr 2005 ; 164 : DOI : 10. 1007/s00431-005-1764-4(online version).
  9. Tsugawa K, Tanaka H, Kudo M, Nakahata T, Ito E. Renal artery thrombosis in a pediatric case of systemic lupus erythematosus without antibodies. Pediatr Nephrol 2005 ; 164 : DOI :10.1007/s00467-005-2009-3(online version).
  10. Takahashi T, Tandai S, Toki T, Sato T, Eto S, Sato A, Ueda T, Sato S, Ichinose K, Ito E, Yonesaka S. KCNJ 2 mutation in intractable ventricular arrhythmia with Andersen's syndrome. Pediatr Int 2005 ; 47 ; 220-223.
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  13. Tono C, Xu G, Toki T, Takahashi Y, Sasaki S, Terui K, and Ito E. JAK2 Val617 phe activating tyrosine kinase mutation in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia. Leukemia, 2005 ; 19(10) : 1843-4.
  14. Suzuki K, Hirano K, Onodera N, Takahashi T, Tanaka H. Acute IgA nephropathy associated with mycoplasma pneumoniae infection. Pediatr Int 2005 ; 47 : 583-585.
  15. Nakahata T, Tanaka H, Tsugawa K, Kudo M, Suzuki K, Ito E., Waga S. C₁-C₂ point-blood level monitoring of low-dose cyclosporin A given as a single daily dose in children with steroid-dependent relapsing nephrotic syndrome. Clin Nephrol 2005 ; 64 : 258-263.
  16. Tsugawa K, Tanaka H, Kudo M, Nakahata T, Ito E. Renal artery thrombosis in a pediatric case of systemic lupus erythematosus without antiphospholipid antibodies. Pediatr Nephrol 2005 ; 20 : 1648-1650.
  17. Tanaka H, Tsugawa K, Kudo M, Sugimoto K, Kobayashi I, Ito E. Lowdose cyclosporine A in a patient with X-linked immune dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy and enteropathy. Eur J Pediatr 2005 ; 164 : 779-780.


  1. Harigae H, Xu G, Sugawara T, Ishikawa I, Toki T, Ito E. The GATA-1 mutation in an adult patient with acute megakaryoblastic leukemia not accompanying Down's syndrome. Blood 2004 ; 103 : 3242-3243.
  2. Matsumoto M, Kokame K, Soejima K, Miura M, Hayashi S, Fujii Y, Iwai A, Ito E, Tsuji Y, Takeda-Shitaka M, Iwadate M, Umeyama H, Yagi H, Ishizashi H., Banno F, Nakagaki T, Miyata T, Fujimura Y. Molecular characterization of ADAMTS 13 gene mutations in Japanese patients with Upshaw-Schulman syndrome. Blood 2004 ; 103 : 1305-1310.
  3. Shimada A, Xu G, Toki T, Kimura H, Ito E. Fetal origin of the GATA-1 mutation in identical twins with transient myeloproliferative disorder and acute megakaryoblastic leukemia accompanying Down's syndrome. Blood 2004 ; 103 : 366.
  4. Tanaka H, Suzuki K, Nakahata T, Kobayashi I, Kubota M, Ito E. Immune dysregulation, polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy, X-linked syndrome without extraintestinal symptoms in a Japanese infant with a novel mutation of FOXP3 gene. Acta Paediatr 2004 ; 93 : 142-143.
  5. Tanaka H, Waga S. Spontaneous remission of persistent severe hematuria in an adolescent with nutcracker syndrome : A seven years' observation. Clin Exp Nephrol 2004 ; 8 : 68-70.
  6. Tanaka H, Nakahata T, Tsugawa K, Tsuruga K, Yumura W, Ito E. Mizoribine pulse therapy for patients with flares of lupus nephritis: a one-year observation. Clin Nephrol 2004 ; 62 : 165-166.
  7. Tanaka H, Nakahata T, Ito E. Single-dose-daily administration of cyclosporin A for relapsing nephrotic syndrome. Pediatr Nephrol 2004 ; 19 : 1055-1058.
  8. Suzuki K, Tanaka H, Ito E, Waga S. Repeat renal biopsy in children with severe idiopathic tubulointerstitial nephritis. Pediatr Nephrol 2004 ; 19 : 240-243.
  9. Suzuki K, Tanaka H, Ito E, Waga S. Therapy-related membranous nephropathy in juvenile idiopathic arthritis with Turner syndrome. Pediatr Int 2004 ; 46 : 377-379.
  10. Fukase G, Oguni H, Shirasaka Y, Watanabe K, Miyajima T, Yasumoto S, Ohfu M, Inoue T, Watanachai A, Kira R, Matsuo M, Muranaka H, Sofue F, Zhang B, Kaneko S, Mitsudome A, Hirose S. Mutation of neuronal voltage-gated Nat channel a 1 subunit gene SCN1A in core severe myoclonic epilepsy in infancy (SMEI) and in borderline SMEI (SMEB). Epilepsia 2004 ; 45 : 140-148.
  11. Tanaka H, Suzuki K, Nakahata T, Tsugawa K, Konno Y, Tsuruga K, Ito E, Waga S. Combined therapy of enelapril and losartan attenuates histologic progression in immunoglobulin A nephropathy. Pediatr Int 2004 ; 46 : 576-579.
  12. Tsugawa K, Tanaka H, Nakahata T, Ito E. Effective therapy of a child cace of refractory nephrotic syndrome with tacrolimus. Tohoku J Exp Med 2004 ; 204 : 237-241.
  13. Tanaka H, Tsugawa K, Tsuruga K, Suzuki K, Nakahata T, Ito E, Waga S. Mizoribine for the treatment of lupus nephritis in children and adolescents. Clin Nephrol 2004 ; 62 : 412-417.
  14. Tsugawa K, Nakahata T, Tanaka H. Severe tubulointerstitial nephritis in a boy with refractory nephrotic syndrome. Pediatr Nephorl 2004 ; 19 : 1431-1432.
  15. Uyeda T, Takahashi T, Eto S, Sato T, Xu G, Kanezaki R, Toki T, Yonesaka S, Ito E. Three novel mutations of the fibrillin-1 gene and ten single nucleotide polymorphisms of the fibrillin-3 gene in Marfan syndrome patients. J Human Gene 2004 ; 49 : 404-407.
  16. Kitazawa J, Kaizuka M, Kasai M, Noda Y, Takahashi Y, Terui K, Narumi S, Hakamada K, Sasaki M., Kamata Y, Endo T, Normachi S, Saikai T, Mizoguchi Y., Kinebuchi M., Ito E., Matsuura A. Hemolytic crisis with fulminant hepatic failure in Wilson disease without consanguinity. Pediatr Int 2004 ; 46 : 726-729.


  1. Terui K, Kitazawa J, Takahashi Y, Tohno C, Hayashi Y, Taketani T, Taki T, Ito E. Successful treatment of acute myelomonocytic leukaemia with NUP98-HOXD11 fusion transcripts and monitoring of minimal residual disease. Br J Haemotol 2003 ; 120 : 274-276.
  2. Oguchi K, Takagi M, Taya Y, Ito E, Isoama K, Ishii E, Zannini L, Delia D, Mizutani S. Missense mutation and defective function of ATM in a childhood acute leukemia patient with MLL gene rearrengement. Blood 2003 ; 101 : 3622-3627.
  3. Imashuku S, Terui K, Matsuyama T, Asami K, Tsuchiya S, Ishii E, Kawa K, Kosaka Y, Eguchi H, Tsuchida M, Ikuta K., Kato S, Koizumi S, Okamura J, Morimoto A, Hibi S, Hamaoka K. Minimal Residual Disease Lack of clinical utility of minimal residual disease detection in allogeneic stem cell recipients with childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia ; multi-institutional collaborative study in Japan. Bone Marrow Transplantation 2003 ; 31 : 1127-1135.
  4. Nagai H, Li Y, Hatano S, Ohno T, Yuge M, Ito E, Utsumi M, Kinoshita T. Mutations and Aberrant DNA Methylation of the PROXI Gene in Hematologic Malignancies. Genes Cromosomes Cancer 2003 ; 38 : 13-21.
  5. Xu G, Nagano M, Kanezaki R, Toki T, Hayashi Y, Taketani T, Taki T, Mitui T, Koike K, Kato K, Imaizumi M, Sekine I, Ikeda Y, Hanada R, Sato M, Kudo K, Kojima S, Ohneda O, Yamamoto M, Ito E. Frequent mutations in the GATA-1 gene in the transient myeloproliferative disorder of Down's syndrome. Blood 2003 (on line in press).
  6. Kamio T, Toki T, Kanezaki R, Sasaki S, Tandai S, Terui K, Ikeda D, Igarashi K, Ito E. The B-cell-specific transcription factor BACH2 modifies the cytotoxic effects of anticancer drugs. Blood 2003(on line in press).
  7. Matsunaga T, Kurosawa H, Tsuboi T, Kumazaki H, Sato Y, Sugita K, Ito E, Eguchi M. Recurrent erythroblastopenia associated with Varicella zoster virus infection i an infant. Pediatr Int, 2003 ; 45 : 355-358.
  8. Tanaka H, Suzuki K, Nakahata T, Waga S. Long-term outcome of acute tubulointerstitial nephritis ; report of a case. Clin Nephrol 2003 ; 59 : 65-67.
  9. Tanaka H, Suzuki K, Nakahata T, Ito E, Waga S. Early treatment with oral immunosuppressants in severe proteinuric purpura nephritis. Pediatr Nephrol 2003 ; 18 : 347-350.
  10. Tanaka H, Tateyama T, Suzuki K, Nakahata T, Kudo M, Takahashi Y, Ito E, Waga S. Acute renal failure due to hypertension : malignant hypertension in an adolescent. Pediatr Int 2003 ; 45 : 342-344.
  11. Tanaka H, Suzuki K, Nakahata T, Sato T, Ito E. Mizoribine oral pulse therapy for a patient with severe lupus nephritis. Pediatr Int 2003 ; 45 : 488-490.
  12. Nakahata T, Tanaka H, Suzuki K, Ito E. Successful treatment with leukocytapheresis in refractory Henoch-Schonlein purpura : report of a case. Clin Rheumatol 2003 ; 22 : 248-250.
  13. Xu G, Nagarre-M, KaRezaki R, Toki T, Hayashi Y, Taketani T, Taki T, Mitui T, Koike K, Kato K, Imaizumi M, Sekine I, Ikeda Y, Hanada R, Sako M, Kudo K, Kojima S, Ohneda O, Yamamoto M, Ito E. Frequent mutations in the GATA-1 gene in the transient myeloproliferative disorder of Down's Syndrome. Blood 2003 ; 102 : 2960-2968.
  14. Kamio T, Toki T, Kanezaki R, Sasaki S, Tandai S, Terui K, Ikeda D, Igarashi K, Ito E. The B cell-specific transcription factor BACH2 modifies the cytotoxic effects of anticancer drugs. Blood 2003 ; 102 : 3317-3322.
  15. Nagata T, Takahashi Y, Ishii Y, Asai S, Nishida Y, Murata A, Koshinaga T, Fukuzawa M, Hamazaki M, Asami K, Ito E, Ikada H, Takamatsu H, Koike K, Kikuta A, Kuroiwa M, Watanabe A, Kosaka Y, Fujita H., Miyake M, Mugishima H. Transcriptional profiling in hepatoblastomas using high-density oligonucleotide DNA array. Cancer Genet Cytogenet. 2003 ; 145 : 152-160.
  16. Tanaka H, Suzuki K, Nakahata T, Tsugawa K, Ito E, Waga S. Mizoribirie oral pulse therapy for patients with disease flare of lupus nephritis. Clin Nephrol 2003 ; 60 : 390-394.
  17. Tanaka H, Waga S. Acute IgA nephropathy following keloid scar formation due to burn injury. Clin Nephrol 2003 : 60 : 440-441.
  18. Nakahata T, Tanaka H, Tsuruga K, Shimada J, Tsugawa K, Suzuki K, Onodera N, Ito E. End-stage kidney at the onset of nephrotic syndrome in a 4-year-old girl. Tohoku J Exp Med 2003 ; 200 : 151-154.
  19. Ohtani K, Satoh A, Eto S, Satoh T, Ichinose K, Satoh S, Takahashi T, Koda M, Kinjo M, Yonesaka S. Dual-chamber pacing in hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy with biventricular outflow tract obstruction and severe drug-refractory symptoms in a 9-year-old girl. Pediatr Int 2003 ; 45 : 743-746.
  20. Sato T, Suzuki K, Umemura J, Takahashi Y, Tomimoto K. Cor triatriatum with unroofed coronary sinus and persistent left superior-vena cava associated with atrial tachycardia. Pediatr Cardiol 2003 ; 24 : 520-523.
  21. Tomomasa T, Kobayashi A, Kaneko H, Mika S, Maisawa S, Chino Y, Syou H, Yoden A, Fujino J, Tanikawa M, Yamashita T, Kimura S, Kanoh M, Sawada K, Morikawa A. Granulocyte adsorptive apheresis for pediatric patients with ulcerative colitis. Dig Dis Sci. 2003 ; 48 : 750-754.


  1. Li Y, Nagai H, Ohno T, Yuge M, Hatano S, Ito E, Mori N, Saito H,Kinoshita T. Abberrant DNA methylation of p57 KIP2 genc in the promotor region in lymphoid malignancies of B-cell phenotype. Blood 2002 ; 100 : 2572-2577.
  2. Taketani T, Taki T, Shibuya N, Ito E, Kitazawa J, Terui K, Hayashi Y. The HOXD11 gene is fused to the NUP98 gene in acute myeloid leukemia with t (2 ; 11) (q31 ; p15). Cancer Res 2002 ; 62 : 33-37.
  3. Muto A, Tashiro S, Tsuchiya H, Kume A, Kanno M, Ito E, Yamamoto M, Igarashi K. Activation of Maf/AP-1 repressor Bach 2 by oxidative stress promotes apoptosis and its interaction with promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies. J Biol chem 2002 ; 277 : 20724-20733.
  4. Yamamoto K, Ohta S, Ito E, Hayashi Y, Asami T, Mabuchi O, Higashigawa M, Tanimura M. Marginal decrease in mortality and marked increase in incidence as a result of neuroblastoma screening at 6 months of age : Cohort study in seven prefectures in Japan. J. Clin Oncol 2002 : 20 : 1209-1214.
  5. Imashuku S, Teramura T, Kuriyama K, Kitazawa J, Ito E, Morimoto A, Hibi S. Risk of etoposide-related acute myeloid leukemia in the treatment of Epstein-Barr virus-associated hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. Int J Hematol 2002 ; 75 : 174-177.
  6. Kawai S, Minegishi M, Ohashi Y, Sasahara S, Kumaki S, Konno T, Miki H, Derry J, Nonoyama S, Horibe K, Tachibana N, Kudoh E, Yoshimura Y, Imaizumi Y, Sako M, Tsuchiya S. Flow cytometric determination of intracytoplasmic Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein in peripheral blood lymphocyte subpopulations. Journal of Immunological Methods 2002 ; 260 : 195-205.
  7. Yonesaka S, Takahashi T, Sato T, Otani K, Eto S, Ichinose K. Histopathological evaluation on late myocardial changes following Kawasaki disease with coronary aneurysm using endomyocardial biopsy. Cardiology in the Yong. 2002 ; 12(sl) : 16.
  8. Tanaka H, Waga S. Reversible segmental stenotic lesion of subclavian artery in an 8-year-old girl : An atypical Takayasu's arteritisClin Rheumatol 2002;21 : 345-346.
  9. Tanaka H, Waga S, Suzuki K, Nakahata T, Kawachi H, Shimizu F, Ito E. Rapidly progressive, pauci-immune diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis in an infant. Pediatr Nephrol 2002 ; 17 : 730-732.
  10. Suzuki K, Tanaka H, Nakahata T, Fukuyama Y, Ito E, Waga S. Subsequent progression to membranous glomerulonephritis following exacerbation of urticarial rash in systemic lupus erythematosus : report of 2 cases. Tohoku J Exp Med 2002 ; 196 : 293-298.
  11. Tanaka H, Suzuki K, Nakahata T, Tateyama T, Sugimoto K, Ito E, Waga S. Disseminated candidiasis following prednisolone therapy in systemic lupus erythematosus. Pediatr Int 2002 ; 44 : 702-704.
  12. Tanaka H, Suzuki K, Nakahata T, Waga S, Monma N. Childhood idiopathic membranous glomerulonephritis associated with isolated antinuclear antibody positivity. Clin Exp Nephrol 2002 ; 6 : 254-257.


  1. Sun J, Muto A, Hoshino H, Kobayashi A, Nishimura S, Yamamoto M,Hayashi N, Ito E, Igarashi K. Promoter of mouse transcription repressor bach 1 is regulated by sp-1 and trans-activated by Bach 1. J Biochem (Tokyo) 2001 ; 130 : 385-392.
  2. Imaizumi M, Watanabe A, Kikuta A, Takano T, Ito E, Shimizu T, Tsuchiya S, Iinuma K., Konno T, Ohi R., Hayashi Y, the Tohoku Neuroblastoma Study Group. Improvement of survival of children with advanced neuroblastoma treated by intensified therapy including myeloablative chemotherapy with stem cell transplantation : a retrospective analysis from the Tohoku Neuroblastoma Study Group. Tohoku J Exp Med 2001 ; 195 : 73-83.
  3. Kitazawa J, Ito E, Arai K, Yokoyama M, Fukuyama M, Imasyuku S. Secondary acute myelocytic leukemia after successful chemotherapy with etoposide for Epstein-Barr virus-associated hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis: Med Pediatr Oncol 2001 ; 37 : 153-154.
  4. Kanezaki R, Toki T, et al. : Transcription factor BACH 1 is recruited to the nucleus by its novel alternative spliced isoform, J Biol Chem 276 : 7278-7284,2001.
  5. Tanji K. Ito E, et al. : Desferrioxamine, an iron chelator, upregulates cyclooxygenase-2 expression and prostaglandin production in a human macrophage cell line. Biochim Biophys Acta 26 : 227-235, 2001.
  6. Muranaka H, Fujita H, et al. : Visual symptoms in epilepsy and migraine : localization and patterns. Epilepsia 42 : 62-66, 2001.
  7. Tanaka H, Waga S, Tateyama T, Nakahata T, Sugimoto K, Kakizaki Y, Yokoyama M ; immunocomplex mediated crescentic glomerulonephritis associated with anti-DNA antibody : A renal limited lupus Clin Nephrol55 : 177-179, 2001.
  8. Tanaka H, Tateyama T, Waga S, ; Acute renal failure at the onset of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome in two children. Clin Exp Nephrol 5 : 47-49, 2001.
  9. Nakahata T, Tanaka H, Tateyama T, Ueda T, Suzuki K, Osari S, Kasai M, Waga S : Thrombotic stroke in a child with diarrhea-associated hemolytic-uremic syndrome with a good recovery. Tohoku J Exp Med 193 : 73-77, 2001.
  10. Tanaka H, Waga S, Tateyama T, Suzuki K, Yamada S, Yokoyama M : SeniorLoken syndrome associated with mental retardation and microcephaly. Pediatr Int 43 : 310-312, 2001.
  11. Tanaka H, Waga S, Nakahata T, Suzuki K, Ito T, Onodera N, Iwami S, Monma N, Ito E : Tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis syndrome in two siblings. Tohoku J Exp Med 194 : 71-74, 2001.
  12. Tanaka H, Tateyama T, Waga S. Methylprednisolone pulse therapy in Japanese children with severe lupus nephritis. Pediatr Nephrol 2001 ; 16 : 817-819.
  13. Tanaka H, Suzuki K, Nakahata T, Tateyama T, Waga S, Ito E. Repeat renal biopsy in a girl with tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis syndrome. Pediatr Nephrol 2001 ; 16 : 885-887.
  14. Sekiya K, Nakazawa M, Tanaka H. A Japanese child with Senior-Loken syndrome. JPN J Ophthalmol 2001 ; 45 : 636-639.


  1. Toki T, Arai K, et al. : Functional characterization of human p45 NF-E2 gene. Proceedings of the 3rd Meeting of the Hirosaki International Forum of Medical Science : 17-18, 2000.
  2. Junichi Kitazawa, Etsuro Ito, Hideko Sato, Noriko Ishizaki, Chikako Tono, Kiminori Terui and Masaru Yokoyama. Prophylaxis and treatment for graft-vs.-host disease. In : M Sasaki, M. Yokoyama, T Suzuki, editors. New Directions for Cellular and Organ Transplantation. Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Inc. ; 75-81, 2000.
  3. Ito E, Kitazawa J, Arai K, Otomo H, Endo Y, Imashuku S and Yokoyama M : Fatal Epstein-Barr virus-associated hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis with clonal karyotype abnormality. Int J Hematol 71 : 263-5, 2000.
  4. Imashuku S, Ito E et al.: Outcome of clonal hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis : Analysis of 32 cases. Leukemia and Lymphoma 37 : 577-84, 2000.
  5. Kitazawa J, Tono C, Terui K, Otomo H, Ito E, Yokoyama M et al. : A sporadic case with hemoglobin Bushwick detected by chance in aplasitc crisis. Paediatr Int 42 : 160-3, 2000.
  6. Sasaki S, Ito E, Toki T, Umenai T, Yokoyama M et al.: Cloning and expression of human B cell-specific transcription factor BACH2 mapped to chromosome 6q15. Oncogene (in press. 2000, 8)
  7. Onodera N, Ito R, Tanaka H.: Allogeneic CD34-selected peripheral stem cell transplant for acute non-lymphocytic leukemia (FAB M5a) developed from juvenile chronic myelogenous leukemia. Pediatr Int 42 : 106-8, 2000.
  8. Hirose S, Muranaka H, et al. : A novel mutation of KCNQ3(c.925T→C) in a Japanese family with benign familial neonatal convulsions. Ann Neurol 47 : 822-6, 2000.
  9. Tanaka T, Waga S, Tateyama,T, Yokoyama M : Steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome at 4 months : No complications over 10 years. Pediatr Nephrol 14 : 527-8,2000.
  10. Tanaka H, Waga S, Tateyama T, Nakahata T, Ito T, Sugimoto K, Kakizaki Y, Tomimoto K, Yokoyama M : Interstitial cystitis and ileus in pediatric-onset systemic lupus erythematosus. Pediatr Nephrol 14 : 859-61, 2000.
  11. Tateyama T, Waga S, Suzuki K, Sugimoto K, Kakizaki Y, Tanaka H : Complete occulusion of left renal artery in pediatric-onset Takayasu's arteritis. Tohoku J Exp Med 190 : 289-94, 2000.
  12. Tanaka H, Waga S, Nakahata Tet al. : Acute glomerulonephritis superimosed on focal segmental glomerulosclerosis : a case report. Tohoku J Exp Med : 191, 2000.(in press)
  13. Toki T, Arai K, et al. : Functional characterization of the two alternative promoters of human gene. Exp Hematol 28 : 1113-1119, 2000.
  14. Terui K, Takahashi Y, et al. : Expression of transcription factors during megakaryocytic differentiation of CD34⁺ cells from human cord blood induced by thrombopoietin. Tohoku J Exp Med 192 : 259-273, 2000.
  15. Yokoyama M, Suto Y, et al. : Low serum lipids suggest severe bone marrow failure in children with aplastic anemia, Pediatr Int 42 : 613-619, 2000.
  16. Junichi Kitazawa, Etsuro Ito, Satoru Yamada, Hideko Sato, Noriko Ishizaki, Chikako Tono, Kiminori Terui and Masaru Yokoyama : Prophylaxis and treatment for graft-versus-host disease. In : A Munakata editor. Progress in Transplantation. Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Inc. : 71-77, 2000.
  17. Tanaka H, Waga S : Author's reply. Pediatr Int42 : 593, 2000.
  18. Ito T, Waga S, Tanaka H, Tateyama T, Yokoyama M : Contribution of macromolecular IgA 1 to IgA abnormality in IgA nephropathy. Pediatr Nephrol 15 : 90-95, 2000.
  19. Tanaka H, Waga S, Nakahata T, Onodera N, Monma N, ; Focal segmental glomeruloscrelosis : unremitting proteinuria of long duration as a possible etiology Tohoku J Exp Med 192 : 157-163, 2000.


  1. Yokoyama M and Itoh E : Erythroid accelerating factor detected in rat serum in early stage of drug induced hemolysis. Hirosaki Med J51(suppl.) : s16-21, 1999.
  2. Kawano Y, Ito E 他 : Efficacy of the mobilization of peripheral blood stemcells by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in pediatric donors. Cancer Res 59(14) : 3321-4, 1999.
  3. Kobayashi A, Ito E, Toki T 他 : Molecular cloning and functional characterization of a new CNC family transcription factor Nrf 3. J. Biol. Chem, 274(10) : 6443-6452, 1999.
  4. Imashuku S, Arai K 他 : Effective control of Epstein-Barr virus-related hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis with immunochemotherapy. Jan-Inge Henter for the Histiocyte Society. Blood 93 : 1869-741, 1999.
  5. Shinobu Waga, Kazuhiko Sugimoto, Hiroshi Tanaka, Tatsuo Ito, Tohru Nakahata, Takashi Tateyama, Yoshiki Kakizaki, Masaru Yokoyama : IgA interaction with carboxyl-terminal 43-kD fragment of fibronectin in IgA nephropathy. J Am Soc Nephrol 10 : 256-263, 1999.
  6. Hiroshi Tanaka, Norio Onodera, Shinobu Waga : Long-term azathioprine therapy in two children with steroid-dependend minimal-change nephrotic syndrome. Tohoku J Exp Med 187: 273-278, 1999.
  7. Iida K, Onodera N, et al. : The C422F mutation of the growth hormone receptor gene is not responsible for short stature. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 84 : 4214-9,1999.
  8. Iwai T, Onodera N et al. : Internal tandem duplication of the FLT3 gene and clinical evaluation in childhood acute myeloid leukemia. Leukemia 13 : 38-43, 1999,
  9. Muranaka H, Fujita H, et al. : Differing characteristics of elementary visual hallucinations between epilepsy and migraine patients. Epilepsia 40(suppl. 2) : 30, 1999.
  10. Nakada T, and Yonesaka S :“Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy" in a girl with adult-type myotonic dystrophy. Pediatr Int 41 : 586-8, 1999.
  11. Tanaka H, Onodera N, Waga S et al. : Glomerulonephritis without IgA deposits in a case of Henoch-Schonlein purpura. Pediatr Nephrol 13:597-9, 1999.
  12. Tanaka H, Onodera N, Waga S et al. : Distal type of renal tubular acidosis after anti-epileptic therapy in a girl with infantile spasms. Clin Exp Nephrol 3 : 311-3, 1999.
  13. Tanaka H, Waga S, Tateyama T, Sugimoto K, KakizakiY , Yokoyama M : Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis following intravenous immunoglobulin therapy in a male infant with minimal-change nephrotic syndrome. Tohoku J Exp Med 189 : 155-61, 1999.
  14. Tanaka H, Onodera N, Waga S et al. : Acute glomerulonephritis associated with pneumonia : A possible Chlamydia pneumoniae etiology Pediatr Int 41 : 698-700, 1999.


  1. Yokoyama M., Tohno C., Kasai M., Otomo H., Kitazawa J., Arai K. & Itoh E : Isolation of erythroid accelerating factor (EAF), exhibiting in rat serum in an early stage of drug induced hemolysis. Exp. Hematol. 25 : 765, 1998.
  2. Masako Tanimura, Masaru Yokoyama, et al., Increased risk of hepatoblastoma among immature children with a lower birth weight. Cancer Research 58 : 3032-3035, 1998.
  3. T. Iwata, K. Kogame, T. Toki, M. Yokoyama, E. Ito : Structure and chromosomal mapping of human maf genes MAFG and MAFK. Cytogenet Cell Genet (in press).
  4. Jun'ichi Kitazawa, Takamichi Umenai, Etsuro Ito, Koji Arai, Hayato Otomo, Tsutomu Toki, Masao Seto, Ryuzou Ueda, Masaru Yokoyama : Progression from myelodysplastic syndrome with monosomy 7 to acute monoblastic leukemia with MLL gene rearrangement. Int J Hematol 67 : 23-26, 1998.
  5. Norio Onodera, Toru Nakahata, Hiroshi Tanaka, Ryosuke Ito, Takashi Honda . Successful treatment of Wernicke's encephalopathy in a boy with acute mixed lineage leukemia. Acta Paediatr Jpn 40 : 271-274, 1998.
  6. Igarashi K, Karakawa M. : A mathematical Approach to Cardiovascular Disease. Kokuseido、1998.
  7. Hiroshi Tanaka, Shinobu Waga, Yoshiki Kakizaki, Kazuhiko Sugimoto, Takashi Tateyama, Tatsuo Ito, Masaru Yokoyama : Sequential measurement of . mesangial matrix area occupying the glomerulus in children with IgA nephropathy. Clin Exp Nephrol 2 : 80-84, 1998.
  8. Hiroshi Tanaka, Shinobu Waga, Yoshiki Kakizaki, Kiyotaka Nukii, Masaru Yokoyama : Efficacy of long-term alternate day prednisolone therapy in childhood IgA nephropathy. Clin Exp Nephrol 2 : 132-136、1998.
  9. Hiroshi Tanaka, Toru Nakahata, Ryosuke Ito, Norio Onodera, Shinobu Waga . An infant case of bilateral small kidneys with both proximal and distal tubular dysfunction. Acta Paediatr Jpn 40 : 367-369, 1998.
  10. Hiroyuki Saito, Yoshihiro Takahashi, Seizaburo Harata, Keiko Tanaka, Hiroyasu Saito, Tsunehisa Suto, Akio Yamada, Shudo Yamazaki, Morihiko Morita : Cloning and characterization of the genomic RNA sequence of the Mumps virus strain associated with a high incidence of aseptic meningitis, Microbiol. Immunolo. 42 : 133-137, 1998.
  11. Hideki Muranaka, et al. : Prognostic value of elementary visual hallucinations in patients with occipital lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia 39(suppl. 5): 67, 1998.
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  13. Kasai M, Yokoyama M, Toki T., Maruyama H, Satoh K., Ito E : Erythroid accelerating factor detected in serum from rats with drug induced hemolysis. Tohoku J Exp Med 186 : 279-89, 1998.
  14. Umenai T, Yokoyama M ; Erythroid accelerating activity of rat serum in early stage of drug induced hemolysis. Tohoku J Exp Med 186(3):181-91, 1998.
  15. Kawano Y, Ito E 他 : Marginal benefit / disadvantage of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor therapy after autologous blood stem cell transplantation in children ; results of a prospective randomized trial. The Japanese Cooperative Study Group of PBSCT. Blood 92 : 4040-6, 1998.
  16. Kawano Y, Arai K, Ito E 他 : Partially mismatched pediatric transplants with allogeneic CD34(+) blood cells from a related donor. Blood 92 : 123-30, 1998.
  17. N Onodera, T. Nakahata, H. Tanaka, R Ito and T Honda : Trisomy 6 in a childhood acute mixed lineage leukemia. Acta Paediatrica Japonica (1998)40, 616-620.
  18. RJ Allen, Y Suto 他 : Establishment and characterization of a megakaryoblast cell line with amplification of MLL. Leukemia12 : 1119-1127, 1998.
  19. Hiroshi Tanaka, Shinobu Waga, Masaru Yokoyama : Age-related histologic alterations after prednisolone therapy in children with IgA nephropathy. Tohoku J Exp Med 185 : 247-252, 1998.
  20. Hiroshi Tanaka, Ryosuke Ito, Norio Onodera, Shinobu Waga : Efficacy of long-term sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim therapy in a boy with hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome. Tohoku J Exp Med 186 : 61-66, 1998.
  21. Hiroshi Tanaka, Norio Onodera, Ryosuke Ito, Shinobu Waga fE : Subclinical Sjogren's syndrome : A significant "gallium accumulation in orbits and parotid glands. Acta Paediatr Jpn 40 : 367-369, 1998.
  22. K. Sugimoto, T. Ito, S. Waga, T. Nakahata, M. Yokoyama : Polymerized IgA and the distribution of fibronectin in the serum of IgA nephropathy in childhood. Pediatric Nephrology 12 : C84, 1998.


  1. Yokoyama M ; Hemolytic anemia in childhood. Proceeding of 47th Korea Pediatric Society : 15-16, 1997.
  2. Toki T, Itoh J, Kitazawa J, Arai K, Hatakeyama K, Akasaka J, Igarashi K, Nomura N , Yokoyama M, Yamamoto M and Ito E : Human small Maf proteins form heterodimers with CNC family transcription factors and recognize the NF-E2 motif. Oncogene 14 : 1901-1910, 1997.
  3. Onodera K, Yomogida K., Suwabe N, Takahasi S, Muraosa Y, Hayashi N,Ito E, Gu L, Rassoulzadegan M, Engel JD and Yamamoto M : Conserved structure, regulatory elements, and transcriptional regulation from the GATA-1 gene testis promoter. J Biochem 121 : 251-263, 1997.
  4. Tsuchiya S , Kikuta A., Shimizu Y, Takano N, Ito E., Watanabe A and Konno T : Decrease in Thy-1 expression on peripheral CD34 positive cells induced by G-CSF mobolization. Tohoku J Exp Med 182 : 157-162, 1997.
  5. Yoshimasa Suto, Yuko Sato, Stephan D. Smith, Janet D. Rowley and Stefan K. Bohlander : A t(6;12)(q23;pl3) results in the fusion of ETV6 to a novel gene, STL, in a B-cell ALL cell line. Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer18 254-268, 1997.
  6. Hiroshi Tanaka, Shinobu Waga, Yoshiki Kakizaki, Kazuhiko Sugimoto, Kazuo Nomura and Masaru Yokoyama : Chronic urticaria associated with aseptic meningitis - An atypical urticarial vasculitis?- . Acta Paediatr Jpn 39:64-68,1997.
  7. Hideki Muranaka, Shin-ichi Osari, Hiroshi Fujita, Yoshiharu Kimura, Akira Goto, Chikako Imoto and Ikuya Nonaka . Congenital Familial Myopathy with Type 2 Fiber Hypoplasia and Type 1 Fiber Predominance. Brain & Development ; 19 : 362-365, 1997.
  8. T. Toki, E. Ito, et al. : Cloning of human Bach 1 transcription factor which regulates transcription through NF-E2 site with small Maf proteins (Abstract). Blood 90 : 47a, 1997.
  9. Yuko Sato, Yoshimasa Suto, Janet D. Rowley, et al : Identification of Pediatric inversion 12, inv(12)(p13. lq11), by fluorescence in situ hybridization in a patient with acute myeloid leukemia (AML-M6). Cancer Genet Cytogenet 97 : 157-160, 1997.
  10. Shinobu Waga, et al : Carboxyl-terminal fragment of fibronectin formed in IgA nephropathy binds IgA and IgG to extracellular matrix. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 8 : 546A, 1997.
  11. Hiroshi Tanaka, Shinobu Waga, Yoshiki Kakizaki, Takashi Tateyama, Makoto Koda, Masaru Yokoyama : Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis associated with piperacillin therapy in a boy with glomerulonephritis. Acta Paediatr Jpn 39 : 698-700, 1997.
  12. Takako Hatazawa, Wataru Abo, Yoshiyuki Sakai, Kimihira Seki, Toshiaki Doi, Naoki Tachibana, Shunzou Chiba : An outbreak of hepatitis A in a day-care center; Immunoprophylaxis with human immunoglobulin. Acta Paediatrica Japonica 40 : 244-246, 1997.
  13. Soichiro Tanaka, Shin-ichi Osari 他 : Recurrent pain attacks in a 3-year-old patient with myoclonus epilepsy associated with ragged-red fibers (MERRF) : a single-photon emission computed tomographic (SPECT) and electorophysiological study. Brain & Development. 19 : 205-208, 1997.


  1. T. Toki, J. Itoh, K. Arai, J. Kitazawa, M. Yokoyama, K. Igarashi, M.Yamamoto and E. Ito . Abundant expression of erythroid transcription factor p45 NF-E2 mRNA in human peripheral granulocytes. Biochem. Bioph. Res. 219 : 760-765, 1996.
  2. Kim D-H, Moldwin RL, Vignon C, Bohlander SK, Suto Y, Giordano L, Gupta R, Fears S, Nuifora G, Rowley JD and Smith SD : TEL-AML.1 translocations with TEL and CDKN2 inactivation in acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell lines. Blood 88(3): 785-794, 1996.
  3. Toshimasa Nakada and Susumu Yonesaka:Interruption of aortic arch type A in two siblings. Acta Paediatrica Japonica 38 : 63-65, 1996.
  4. Tanaka H, Waga S, Sugimoto K, Kakizaki y and Yokoyama M. : Capacity of H₂O₂, release from monocytes in steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome. Tohoku J Exp Med 178 : 271-277, 1996.
  5. Hiroyuki Saito, Yoshihiro Takahashi, Seizaburo Harata, Keiko Tanaka, Tsuyoshi Sano, Tsunehisa Suto, Akio Yamada, Shudo Yamazaki and Morihiro Morita : Isolation and Characterization of Mumps Virus Strains in a Mumps Outbreak with a High Incidence of Aseptic Meningitis. Microbiol Immunol 40(4): 271-275, 1996.
  6. Eiji Nakagawa, Shin-ichi Osari, Hideo Yamanouchi, Hiroshi Matsuda, Yu-ichi Goto and Ikuya Nonaka Long-term therapy with cytochrome c, flavin mononucleotide and thiamine diphosphate for a patient with Kearns-Sayre syndrome. Brain & Development 18 : 68-70, 1996.
  7. Yushiro Yamashita, Etsuo Ohtaki, Toyojiro Matsuishi, Shin-ichi Osari, Osamu Kobayashi and Ikuya Nonaka . Merosin-negative non-Fukuyama-type congenital muscular dystrophy : a case report. Brain & Development 18 : 131-134, 1996.
  8. Shin-ichi Osari, Osamu Kobayashi, Yushiro Yamashita, Toyojiro Matsuishi, Michiyo Goto, Yuzo Tanabe, Takuo Migita and Ikuya Nonaka : Basement membrane abnormality in merosin-negative congenital muscular dystrophy. Acta Neuropathologica 91 : 332-336, 1996.
  9. Yuko Sato, Stefan K. Bohlander, Yoshimasa Suto, Janet D. Rowley, et al. : Heterogeneity in the breakpoints in balanced rearrangements involving - band 12p13 in hematologic malignancies identified by FISH : TEL (ETV6) is involved in only one-half. Blood (in press).
  10. Susumu Yonesaka, Toru Takahashi, Kazuhiko Tomimoto, Manabu Kinjyo, Yoshiaki Sunagawa, Sumito Sato, Toshimasa Nakada, Toru Matsubara, Hiroaki Oura, Makoto Koda, Hidetugu Furukawa : Clinical and histopathological studies in children with supraventricular tachycardia. Japanese Circulation Journal 60 : 560-566, 1996.
  11. Toshimasa Nakada ; Ventricular arrhythmia and possible myocardial ischemia in late stage Kawasaki disease : Patient with a normal coronary arteriogram. Acta Paediatrica Japonica 38 : 365-369, 1996.
  12. Hiroshi Tanaka, Shinobu Waga, Yoshiki Kakizaki, Kazuhiko Sugimoto, Tatsuo Ito and Takashi Tateyama : An adolescent case of anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies-associated crescentic glomerulonephritis complicated with subclinical autoimmune thyroiditis. Jpn. J Nephrol 38 : 463-468, 1996.
  13. Hideki Muranaka, S. Osari, A. Goto, Y. kimura : Subclassification of localization-related epilepsy and antiepileptic drugs. Inaugural congress of asian and oceanian epilepsy organization : p72, 1996.
  14. Igarashi K . Annual Report of Research on Cardiovascular Disease. National Cardiovascular Center : 385, 1996.
  15. D Wang, D Stravopodis, S Teglund, J Kitazawa and J N Ihle : Naturally Occurring Dominant Negative Variants of Stat 5. Mol Cell Biol, 16(11) . 6141-6148, 1996.


  1. E. Ito, T. Toki, K. Arai, J. Itoh, J. Kitazawa, K. Hatakeyama, M.Yamamoto and M. Yokoyama : Cloning small human proteins that heterodimerize with p35 NF-E2(abstract). Blood 86 : 14a, 1995.
  2. H. Hirai, C. Shimazaki, E. Ito et al. : Effect of recombinant human thrombopoietin on the proliferation of acute myeloblastic leukemia and transient abnormal myelopoiesis cells (abstract). Blood 86 : 667a, 1995.
  3. Etsuro Ito, Mikio Kasai, Yasuhide Hayashi, Tsutomu Toki, Koji Arai, Shinkichi Yokoyama, Koji Kato, Naoki Tachibana, Masayuki Yamamoto, Masaru Yokoyama : Expression of erythroid-specific genes in acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia and transient myeloproliferative discover in Down's syndrome. British Journal of Haematology 90 : 607-614, 1995.
  4. Shin-ichi Osari, Hideki Muranaka, Tadashi Kojima and Yoshiharu Kimura: Persistent chorea following cardiac surgery for congenital heart disease. Acta Paediatrica Japonica 37 : 409-412, 1995.
  5. Hideki Muranaka and Masaru Yokoyama : Evaluation of cefoodoxime proxetil (CDPX) dry syrup in patient with various pediatric infections. Jounal of Chemotherapy Vol 7 Supplement n. 4: 131-134, 1995.
  6. Suto Y, Sato Y, Smith SD, Rowley JD and Bohlander SK : TEL is fused to a previously unknown gene, STL, in a t(6;12)(q23;p13) translocation in a patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Ann Hematol 70 : A117, 1995.
  7. Sato Y, Suto Y, Pietenpol J, Golub TR, Gilliland DG, Davis EM, Le Beau MM, Roberts JM, Vogelstein B, Rowley JD and Bohlander SK : TEL and KIP1 define the smallest region of deletions on 12p13 in hematopoietic malignancies. Blood 86(4): 1525-1533, 1995.
  8. Sato Y., Kobayashi H., Suto Y, Dias EM , Le Beau MM, Rowley JD and Bohlander SK : Identification of pediatric inversion 12, inv(l) (p13.1q11) by fluorescence in situ hybridization in a patient with acute myeloid leukemia (AML-M6). Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics : 1995.
  9. Kakizaki Y, et al : Transcription factors NF-KB and AP-1 regulate gene expression of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) by bovine glomerular endothelial cells. Am. J. Soc. Nephrol 6 : 833, 1995.
  10. Waga S, et al : Fragmentation of fibronectin (FN) in the serum from IgA nephropathy and binding of IgA1 to fragmented F.N. Am. J. Soc. Nephrol6 : 931, 1995.
  11. Kakizaki Y, Waga S, Sugimoto K, Tanaka H, Nukii K., Takeya M, Yoshimura T and Yokoyama M ; Production of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 by bovine glomerular endothelial cells. Kidney Int 48 : 1866-1874, 1995.


  1. Matui I, Yokoyama M. et al. : Epidemiological study on neuroblastoma in Japan. Proceedings of 3rd International symposium on Neuroblastoma screening, p.3-p.11, 1994.
  2. M. Sakurai and M. Yokoyama : clinical concepts and biology of extremlyhigh risk leukemia in children. International J. Ped. Hematol/Oncol : 123, 1994.
  3. H. Muranaka, Y. Kimura and T. Sasaki : Neuroimaging and Prognosis in Children with Frontal Lobe Epilepsy. The Japanese Journal of Psychiatry and Neurology, Vol. 48, No.2 : 384-385, 1994.
  4. J. Shimomura, T. Morikawa, T.Fujiwara, K.Yagi and M. Seino : Behavioral Abnormalities in Four Cases of Frontal Lobe Epilepsy in Childhood. The Japanese Journal of Psychiatry and Neurology, Vol.48 No2 : 371-372, 1994.
  5. Kentro Yomogida, Haruo Ohtani, Hideo Harigae, Eturo Ito, Yoshitake Nishimune, James Douglas Engel and ‘Masayuki Yamamoto : Developmental Stage- and Spermatogenic Cycle-specific Expression of Transcription Factor GATA-1 in Sertoli Cells. Development, vol. 120(7), p.-p. 1759-1766, 1994.
  6. Kiyotaka Nukii, Yoshiki Kakizaki and Shinobu Waga Effect of Serum from Patients with Mesangial Proliferative Glomerulonephrits on Cultured Rat Mesangial Cell. Tohoku J. Exp. Med. 174 : 109-118, 1994.
  7. Yoshiki Kakizaki, Kazuhiko Sugimoto, Hiroshi Tanaka, Kiyotaka Nukii, Shinobu Waga and Masaru Yokoyama : Gene and Protein Expression of Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 in Bovine Glomerular Endotherial Cells : Involvement of TNF-α and Protein Kinase C. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 5 : 752, 1994.


  1. E. Ito, T. Toki, H. Ishihara, H. Ohtani, L. Gu, M. Yokoyama, J. D. Engel and M. Yamamoto : Erythroid transcription factor GATA-I is abundantly transcribed in mouse testis. Nature 362 : 466-468, 1993
  2. Y. Kakizaki, N. Kraft and R. C. Atkins : Interferon-gamma stimulates the secretion of IL-1, but not of IL-6, by glomerular mesangial cells, Clinical and Experimantal Immunology 91 : 521-525, 1993
  3. Yonesaka S, Tomimoto K, Kinjyo M, Sato S and Koda M : Clinical studies on long-standing Kawasaki Disease with special reference to myocardial changes using endomyocardial biopsy. Proceeding of the Fourth International Symposium on Kawasaki Disease. American Heart Association, Dallas, 1993
  4. Toshimasa Nakada, Susumu Yonesaka : Histopathdogic evidence for cardiomyopathy in a child with mitral valve prolapse. Acta Paehatrica Japonica:35 : 525-528, 1993.


  1. Jun Okamura, Masaru Yokoyama, et. al. : Treatment of Chemotherapy-Induced Neutropenia in Children with Subcutaneously Administered Recombinant Human Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor. Pediatric Hematology/Oncology 9 : 199-207, 1992
  2. T. Kamei, N. Tachibana, et al. : DNA deletion in patients with von Recklinghausen neurofibromatosis. Clinical Genitics 42 : 53-54, 1992
  3. Norio Onodera, Norah R. McCabe, James B. Nachman, F. Leonard Jahnson, Michelle M. LeBeau, Janet D. Rowley, and Charles M. Rubin: Myperdiploidy Arising From Near-Haploidy in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Genes Chrom Cancer 4 : 331-336, 1992
  4. Norio Onodera, Norah R. McCabe, and Charles M. Rubin : Formation of a Hyperdiploid Karyotype in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Blood Vol. 80 No.1 : 202-208, 1992
  5. Etsuro Ito, Tsutomu Toki, Koji Arai, Kyoichi Kawauchi, Hiroyuki Tsuda, and Masaru Yokoyama : Expression of A Lineage Specific Transcriptional Factor GATA-1 in Leukemic Blasts from Patients with Infantile Leukemia. British Journal of Haematology Vol.80 No.4 : 561-563, 1992
  6. S. Yonesaka, T. Takahashi, T. Matsubara, T. Nakada, H. Furukawa, K. Tomimoto, H. Oura : Histopathological study on Kawasaki disease with special reference to the relation between the myocardial sequelae and regional wall motion abnormalities of the left ventricle ; Jpn. Circ J 56 : 375-381, 1992
  7. T. Kondo, M. Ishida, S. Kaneko, T. Hirano, K. Otani, Y. Fukushima H. Muranaka, N. Koide, M. Yokoyama, S. Nakata, and H. Kudo : Is 2-Propy 1-4-Pentenoic Acid, a Hepatotoxic Metabolite of Valproate, Responsible for Valproate-Induced Hyperammonemia ?. Epilepsia 33(3) : 550-554, 1992
  8. T. Kondo, S. Kaneko, K. Otani, M. Ishida, T. Hirano, Y. Fukushima H. Muranaka, N, Koide, and M. Yokoyama : Associations Between Risk Factors for Valproate Hepatotoxicity and Altered Valproate Metabolism. Epilepsia 33 : 172-177, 1992


  1. H. Yoshida, S. Takamatsu, K. Satoh, Y. Kawamura, T. Imaizumi, R.Teshiromori, and K. Kawauchi : Quantitative analysis of human erythrocyte spectrin by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis using pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (Kunitz) as an internal standard ; Clinica Chimica Acta 199 ; 99-108, 1991
  2. E. Ito, L. A. Sweterlitsh, P B-V. Tran, F. J. Rauscher III and R. Narayanan : Inhibition of PC-12 cell differentiation by the immediate early gene fra-l; Oncogene 5 ; 1755-1760, 1991
  3. Y. Kakizaki, N. Kraft, R C Atkins : Differential control of mesangial cell proliferation by interferon-gamma. Clinical Experimental Immunology 85: 157-163, 1991
  4. T. Nakada, S. Yonesaka, Y. Sunagawa, K. Tomimoto, T. Takahashi, T. Matsubara, H. Furukawa, K. Kamimura, S. Naka : Coronaly arterial calcification in Kawasaki disease ; Acta Paediatr Jpn 33 : 443-449, 1991
  5. T. Kojima, H. Muranaka, et al: An Electroencephalographic study on withdrawal of antiepileptic drugs in Children with epilepsy. The Japanese Journal of Psychiatry and Neurology 45 : 422-424, 1991


  1. K. Mori, M. Yokoyama, Y. Sato et al : Effects of Glycyrrhizin (SNMC :Stronger Neo-Minophagen CⓇ) in Hemophilia Patients with HIV-1 Infection ; Tohoku J. Exp. Med 162; 183-193, 1990
  2. Yuichi Sato, Yasuhiko Ikeda, Etsuro Ito, Takakazu Miyano, Kyoichi Kawauchi, Masaru Yokoyama and Yoshimasa Kamata : Histiocytosis X; Successful Treatment with Recombinant Interferon- & A; Acta Pediatrica Japonica 32 ; 151-154, 1990.
  3. Etsuro Ito, Nobuo Nomura and Ramaswamy Narayanan ; Transcriptional regulation of early growth response genes in FOS-expressing PC-12 cells ; Ceil Regulation 1 ; 347-357, 1990.
  4. N. Yoshimura, K. Igarashi, H. Kudo : Topography of Alzheimer's neurofibrilliary change distribution in myotomic dystrophy : Clinical Neuropathology 9 ; 234-239, 1990
  5. K. Igarashi : Clinical studies on Arterial Blood Pressure Changes Caused by Tilting from Horizontal to Head-up Position ; Acta Med. Nagasaki 35 ; 33-38, 1990


  1. Kyoichi Kawauchi, Takakazu Miyano, Yasuhiko Ikeda, Noboru Tateoka,Mikio Kasai, Yuichi Sato and Masaru Yokoyama : A Report of a Case with Pure Red Cell Aplasia Induced by Sodium Valproate; Acta Paediatrica Japonica31(5) ; 615-619, 1989.
  2. Etsuro Ito, June L. Sonnenberg and Ramaswamy Narayanan: Nerve growth factor-induced differentiation in PC-12 cells is blocked by fos oncogene; Oncogene 4 ; 1193-1199, 1989.
  3. Kakizaki Y, Kraft N, Atkins RC: Effect of human recombinant interleukin-1on the proliferation of rat mesangial cells in culture ; Kidney Int. 36 ; 1176, 1989 (Abstract).
  4. Kakizaki Y., Kraft N, Atkins RC : interleukin-2 inhibits mesangial cell ploliferation ; Kidney Int,36; 1170, 1989 (Abstract).
  5. Kakizaki Y, Kraft N, Atkins RC : The kinetics of proliferation of culturedrat mesangial cells ; Kidney Int,35; 749, 1989 (Abstract).
  6. H. Tanaka, K. Sugimoto, K. Nagata, S. Waga, M. Yokoyama : Secretion of hydrogen peroxide from the monocytes of children with glomerular diseases ; Pediatric Nephrology 3 (4) ; C164, 1989 (Abstract).
  7. S. Waga, Y. Kakizaki, K. Chiba, K. Nukii, H. Tanaka, K. Sugimoto, T. Kuronuma, K. Nagata, Y. Yokoyama : Effect of cyclosporin A on the progression of renal insufficiency in nephrotic syndrome ; Pediatric Nephrology 3 (4) ; C173, 1989 (Abstract).
  8. K. Nagata, T. Kuronuma, K. Sugimoto, H. Tanaka, K. Nukii, Y. Kakizaki, S. Waga ; Effect of N- ( 3 ', 4'-dimethoxy-cinnamoyl) anthranilic acid (tranilast) on relapse of nephrotic syndrome in childhood Pediatric Nephrology 3 (4) ; C174, 1989 (Abstract).
  9. K. Nukii, K. Nagata, Y. Kakizaki, S. Waga, M. Yokoyama : The effect of sera from patients with glomerular diseases in childhood on the proliferation of rat mesangial cells in culture ; Pediatric Nephrology 3 (4) ; C 180, 1989 (Abstract).
  10. Susumu Yonesaka, Toshimasa Nakada, Yoshiaki Sunagawa, Kazuhiko Tomimoto, Shinichi Naka, Toru Takahashi, Toru Matubara, Isamu Seki. gami : Endomyocardial biopsy in Children with Kawasaki Disease ; Acta Paediatrica Japonica 31 (6) ; 706?711, 1989.
